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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at GSU chapter.

Manifestation is on almost everyone’s minds. You may see tweets and instagram posts saying, “I’m manifesting it!” What exactly does this mean, and how do we do it? Keep reading to find out!

A gif of the cast of Bridesmaid running towards a location
Universal Pictures / GIPHY
What Is Manifestation?

Essentially, manifestation is bringing something tangible into your life through attraction and belief. “If you think it, and it will come. … via your thoughts, actions, beliefs, and emotions.” Manifesting is believing your dreams will come true. 

What Isn’t Manifestation?

This doesn’t mean we sit around and do nothing while we wait to get our way. That is not it! You still need to take proactive steps to get what you want. Manifestation just removes stress and worry because you already know it will be yours. It’s easier said than done, but make everything you want to experience your reality by being that person now. This takes practice.

The Power of The Mind

Your mind is your money. So much is controlled by your thoughts and attitude. Believing something will be yours will give you a better chance of getting it. Whether it’s money, a job, vacation or love, believing something is yours will give you a better chance of getting it.

dollar bills
Photo by Sharon McCutcheon from Unsplash

Just Like Magic

Ariana Blow Kiss
Like Ariana Grande’s new hit song “Just Like Magic” says, “I get everything I want cause I attract it.”. Know what you want, write it down, work toward it and believe in it! 

The point is, your energy is important. It can change EVERYTHING. 

Remember to trust yourself and keep the faith. Everything you want is already yours.

Moya Leung is a journalism major with a concentration in public relations and a marketing minor at Georgia State University. Her interests include social media management, fashion, public relations, writing & taking pictures. Her goal is to be a Public Relations Director or Social Media Manager for a major fashion company. If it has to do with fashion, marketing or socializing, she's there. Enjoy some of her writings here and keep up with her on Instagram, Pinterest, LinkedIn and Twitter.
The GSU chapter of Her Campus