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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at GSU chapter.

Oftentimes we allow what we do daily to define who we are. The organizations we are involved in, people we connect with, activities we love to do, and other routines we dedicate ourselves to. The truth is who we are is not defined by our routine or titles other’s place onto us.

Who we are is defined by us. Only you can define yourself and potential. External factors are bonuses to who you are within. 

neon sign saying think about things differently
Pexels / Ivan Bertolazzi

With the spread of COVID-19, we have been forced away from our daily routine and friend groups. Social distancing can be hard to adapt to.

Of course, many of us found ourselves in a rut initially. It’s almost as if we lose the definition of who we are when we are away from society. Society can become so influential in our lives that we tend to go with the overall flow of it without thinking twice. However, one must redefine who they are for themselves. You are limitless. Do not allow the ceasing of your routine to disrupt you. Use this time wisely. To define who you truly are for yourself. Not who others portray you to be. Be intentional and focused. 

In order for me to be effective with my days, I tend to rely on creating a schedule for myself so that I can track my productivity and hold myself accountable. The great thing about schedules during this time is you are in complete control. You can allot your time as you please and prioritize accordingly.

Make sure to put in some self-care time! This will help you to let go of any anxiety and remain at peace. Work on any personal projects you’ve been holding off on because you “never had the time”. No excuses. Tune into your success. Come out of this quarantine anew. Evolve completely. In a few weeks, we will be able to see who was purposeful during this time and who used this time to complain.

What will you do? 

Letter tiles spelling "girl boss"
Photo by Sincerely Media on Unsplash
Quarantine has become an evil term. I believe we can shape this into something positive for ourselves. We can use this time to connect with ourselves so we feel less reliant on others. Maybe this quarantine can be seen as a gift.

We are always committing our time to extracurricular activities and other individuals. When was the last time you were able to prioritize yourself?

Don’t allow this time to just pass you by. Take complete advantage of it. Do it for you.   

Regina Price is a senior at Georgia State University majoring in neuroscience with a pre-medical concentration. She is the current President of STARS, a mental health organization on campus that works to eliminate the stigma! Regina aspires to be a doctor and leave a positive impact on the world with the aid of science. In her spare time, she loves to give back to the community, spend time with loved ones, and enjoy various forms of art.
The GSU chapter of Her Campus