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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at GSU chapter.

A College Student’s Guide to Life

            Have you ever been in a situation where you feel like you are missing out on something? You have accomplished getting into university, but you want to make more out of the experience. Well, there are some simple things you can do to make college life easier, and more entertaining.

Tip #1: What do you want?

            The hardest question you can ask yourself is, what do I want? Do you want to graduate early? Do you want to find love? Do you want to find your place at university…in life? Whatever you want, write it down and then set a clear goal for yourself. Be specific and clear, because you are going to work hard for that goal until one day it manifests. Write down as many goals as you want, just remember to go for it and be brave.



Tip #2: Manage Yourself

            Every college student struggles with time management, but you can be different. Stay ahead of your work so deadlines are not a point of stress, and give yourself enough time to complete quality work, ensuring you are excelling at college. There are partial credit seminars that focus on teaching time management, or you can slay the problem by looking at assignments for each class, and schedule to complete them days before the deadlines. This holds you accountable for the schedule you create for yourself, so you either follow through, or rush to turn in assignments, which is an awful feeling. Use time wisely and prepare for what may come.







Tip #3: Positive Affirmations and Meditation

            One of the best tips I learned was to stop and breathe. We live by and adhere to deadlines and schedules, but how often do you stop to check in with yourself. Chances are this is not on your calendar or to do list. This lesson was taught to me by two women, one of them is my mother, and the other is my doctor. They taught me to meditate is to breathe life back into yourself. Why? Meditation calms the body and the mind, reducing stress and increasing awareness. With enough practice, you can use this to manage high pressure environments. As for positive affirmations, they are a therapeutic way to cleanse your mind of negativity by replacing toxic thoughts with uplifting ones. I was told to stop in front of my mirror after showering and look hard at myself. Take yourself in, and then recite everything you love about yourself. Recite what you want to accomplish, where you want to be, and acknowledge the best parts of where you are. When you put goodness out, it comes back to you.






Tip #4: Find your Strength

            My best tip is to not back down when you want something, this is the golden rule. In my life, I have had people lift me up, and people try to tear me down. No matter what happens remember you are the only person who can truly hinder your success. Finding your strength means having the courage to do what you want despite the risk and being your greatest advocate. Make a promise not to be held back by doubt, fear, or intimidation-yours or someone else’s.







Woman in Mirror

“Woman in Mirror.” Style Blog, thefashionstyleblog.wordpress.com/2012/10/30/beauty-after-a-steamy-shower/.


Woman at Sunset 

“Woman at Sunset .” Odyssey , www.theodysseyonline.com/my-life-goals.  


Shonda Rhimes Speech

“Shonda Rhimes Speech .” MIc , mic.com/articles/90969/what-shonda-rhimes-gets-wrong-about-hashtag-activism#.Wefj0ZyT3.  


Woman in Rain

“Woman in Rain.” Harlow, www.harlowyoga.com.au/slider/5-tips-on-getting-back-into-your-feminine/.


Woman Sitting

“Woman Sitting Silhouette.” Public Domain Pictures, www.publicdomainpictures.net/view-image.php?image=215759&picture=woman-sitting-silhouette.

The GSU chapter of Her Campus