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Welcome to Hell (Week): 6 Ways to Destress

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Grinnell chapter.

Welcome to Hell (Week)! Finals are just around the corner, and we’re all starting to experience the inevitable end-of-year stress. But you don’t have to succumb to the moping, the eating, the screaming, the late nights, and the crying. Being healthy is crucial to doing everything we need (and want) to do.

So, as finals roll around and the stress really starts to set in, remember not only to take care of your work but to take care of yourself. Here are a few tips for staying healthy, along with much needed concrete advice about how to make them work for you as a Grinnellian.

1) Get Sleep.

I frequently hear people comparing the amount of sleep they got the night before, but solely for the purpose of finding out who got the least. It should NOT be a competition. Sleep is not only necessary, but it has been linked to decreasing stress, reducing illnesses, creating long term memories, and improving your sex life! Do you need any more reasons? Let’s stop competing for the least sleep, and start bragging about how well rested we are.

2) Eat your Fruits and Veggies.

I know DHall may be lacking on the produce front, but that’s no reason to forget them completely. Fruits and vegetables are rich in nutrients and vitamins, and lacking in sodium and fat, but you already know that. If eating a salad isn’t your thing, ask for sautéed vegetables at the pasta bar. If a plain apple isn’t suiting your fancy, chop it up and mix in some oranges, bananas, peaches, or other available fruit to make a delicious fruit salad. You can even make your Ramen healthier by adding in some frozen vegetables. Or, if that’s all too much work, head over to the newly opened Purple Cucumber to grab a smoothie!

3) Stay Connected.

At a small school in the middle of cornfields, during a time of year when everyone is drowning in work, many virtually all of us sometimes feel overwhelmed. Don’t go it alone: make sure to plan time with your friends as a way to decompress. Secure your relationships so that you have people you can rely on when things get tough, and let your friends know that you’re available for them as well. Life is so much easier, and more fun, when you have people in your corner.

4) Keep Moving.

I totally understand the struggle of never going to the gym when I say I will (I’m 100% guilty of that). But forgetting to get your blood pumping altogether is not a good idea. If the gym is your go-to place, I am jealous and in awe of you, keep it up! If not, there are other ways you can get your body moving throughout the day. Don’t underestimate the power of walking. Take advantage of days that are sunny and go explore campus and the town. If you can’t miss the new episode of The Mindy Show, do sit ups or pushups during commercial breaks. Challenge friends to a pick-up game of soccer or Frisbee on Mac Field. Or even trek up and down ARH stairs a couple more times than necessary to get to your class. Do not let the fact that you sit at a desk for multiple hours a day act as an excuse to keep still.

5) Let Yourself Look Good.

Take some time to pamper yourself; whether that’s curling your hair when you have an important presentation, wearing your favorite pair of shoes for no reason, taking a few minutes to put something extra in your morning routine, sneaking out some DHall ingredients to make a face mask, or making an extra effort to stand up straight throughout the day. When you look good, you feel good.


6) Breathe.

It’s college. It’s stressful. But you’ve gotten this far, and you will complete this year. Make sure you take some time out of your day to do the little things that make you feel grounded and relaxed- visit the new Wellness Center, schedule a Netflix study break, take a hot shower or treat yourself to a dinner out with friends. Take a moment from time to time to just breathe, and reflect on what a kick-ass person you are. 

Shayna is a Grinnell College student from Hilo Hawai'i and Hope Maine. She is passionate about the ocean, music, and the environment, which causes her to frenquently scuba dive, sing, and explore nature. 
Katy is the Her Campus Correspondent for Grinnell College. She is a junior psychology major and plans to go to graduate school for clinical psychology. In her spare time, she enjoys photography, skiing, shopping, expanding her music collection, traveling and of course, coming home to her dogs (and the rest of her family).