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Wellness > Mental Health

The Pep Talk You Secretly Need

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Gettysburg chapter.

I’ve had a couple of tough days the past few weeks. Nothing super serious but enough to get me down, doubting myself, and feeling discouraged. Stressed about school, unknowns and the future. This has left me comparing myself to others and worrying about my schoolwork. I try to do self-reflection and journaling when I remember to because I know I always feel better after, and I wanted to share what I am trying to remind and tell myself as finals are approaching because I know I am not the only one feeling these emotions. Chances are that many people on this campus are currently stressed, and I thought some might benefit from hearing that someone else is struggling too and that they are not alone. So, here is the pep talk that you did not ask for but might want or need…

First, before anything else, remember to breathe. Breathing is so overlooked but so beneficial. 

Now, think of where you are right now, and then think back to where you were two years ago. You have come so far and have gotten through so much in these past two years, you can definitely get through any challenge thrown at you.

We have all been through so much these past two years; we should be so proud of ourselves. This pride includes what we have accomplished and overcome.

We may never realize it, but we are all secretly doubting ourselves and comparing ourselves when the reality is that we are all trying to do the best we can, and we should give ourselves credit for that. 

A wise friend of mine once reminded me, it really is about the journey more than the destination. While on this journey, don’t forget all the times that you have been brave while getting to where you are today. You are courageous. 

You are IMPORTANT! Take care of yourself. Be patient with yourself. Be gentle with yourself. 

Make progress your goal instead of perfection. 

Do not forget your dreams! They are worth pursuing. After all, you never know if you never try.

Remember to stay present. This one is going to be hard. However, try to stay grounded in the present. Be in each moment and take things one moment at a time. 

As you head into finals in the coming months or face any upcoming challenges, remember how awesome and capable you truly are. It is ok to hype yourself up. Also, know that there are resources to get help from if needed. Asking for help is not shameful. It is so important, and it is brave.  

Whatever you have going on, you got this. Just trust yourself, work hard (which you are already doing), breathe, and believe in yourself and your abilities. Show the same love you show others to yourself. Do not worry about not being enough because you are enough by just being who you are. :) 

Mary James

Gettysburg '23

Gettysburg College '23 WGS Major Education and English Minor Coffee Connoisseur