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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Georgia Southern chapter.

It’s easy to get discouraged when it comes to being enrolled in Zoom university. The act of getting out of bed, trying to look decent, actually paying attention during lectures, and then still wanting a routine that involves going to the gym is hard to maintain during this time. For the past week, I have been trying to gain my routine back using a few tips and tricks that help motivate me to get out of bed and do whatever I need to do for the day.

First, every Sunday I get ready for the week ahead. I write down the things I have due for each of my classes and what classes I have each day. Then I go ahead a write in all of my meetings and events for my internship and any other clubs I am involved in and have that week. After my weekly schedule is completely written out, I then try and think of what time I will wake up to start my daily routine. 

My new daily routine includes getting back into the gym because quarantine did not do anything good for my body except for this booty and eating a healthy breakfast. It seems like a small routine, but it is always important to start small and to actually be able to accomplish your routine. You wouldn’t want to make a routine that involves 15 things when it is already hard to do 2. 

I have added eating a healthy breakfast to my routine because I have never liked breakfast foods before, but recently I have been loving eggs and bagels (but I need to stop with the bagels now because it has gotten out of hand). Besides that, I usually try and work out in the morning because of the benefits of fasted cardio, and recently I have realized that fulling my body in the morning is very important for me to not stuff myself with snacks throughout the day. Also, I have noticed I tend to get a tad bit cranky on days when I have back to back classes and I am only living off a protein shake and 16 ounces of coffee. 

Secondly, when I wake myself up to go to the gym I cannot go back to sleep. I have to push myself out of bed. Now I am personally someone who can sleep through basically anything if it is way too early for me. In the past I have slept through fire alarms, maintenance people knocking on my door, an 8 a.m. chemistry final my freshman year that my roommate had to wake me up for, and somehow I was allowed to take it even though I was about 40 minutes late, and lastly my 14 alarms I have set in 15 minute incriminates. 

Now how do I wake up? Well, I usually give myself about an hour to get ready to go to the gym. I lay in bed and check my phone and think about what I want to accomplish for the day. I also repeat motivational mantras that include my affirmations I want to achieve. This goes into the law attraction that I have recently been trying to get more into. I also tell myself that I need to complete at least 30 minutes of cardio if I want my coffee. 

If I really am making it hard for myself then I decide to turn on a subliminal playlist that motivates me. Yes, I know many people do not believe in Subliminals, but honestly, if you believe in them for yourself, they will work. The activity of turning on a few 1-3-minute videos made to get myself motivated and, in the gym, or at least to do a mini home workout only benefits me in the long run and I do recommend people to try and listen to some kind of motivational subliminal and see if it works for them. 

Once I have completed my workout, I go straight into making a protein shake and making myself a nutritious breakfast. Either when I am eating my breakfast or right after I then open my agenda and see what I have planned for the day. I then try and get a head start on all my work because I like to be on top of things. I have also started making my bed once I get back from the gym and it has helped a lot with me not going back to sleep once I get back home. 

Thirdly, live by completing and submitting assignments a day ahead. This will become a lifesaver for your grades and social life. I miss hanging out with my friends a lot because I have to do so much for my classes and internship. So, I devised a plan to always be available on the weekends to hang out and grab lunch or a nice margarita to commemorate the week. 

Fourth, if you are having issues sticking to a schedule or you are feeling overwhelmed by things, slow down. Take a breather, rethink your goals, talk to someone, pick up a new skill, or try to do a new activity. Take a load off yourself and relax. Try meditating, going on a mini hike, or yoga. I have benefited greatly from doing nightly yoga routines to calm my mind and I want to get better at meditating. I find that some of my friends who take out 30 minutes to an hour to meditate in the day have great time management and live a little more stress-free than me. I have such an active mind that it is difficult for me to just erase my thoughts and focus on my breathing, but I try. 

Also, get a whiteboard or large calendar to write things on if an agenda does not work for you. I use my whiteboard to write motivational things, current goals I want to achieve including my daily macros, my personal fitness goals, motivational things, and even due dates for large projects. 

In all, do not get too stressed out and practice healthy habits to motivate yourself. We know 2020 has been a crazy year and the fact that school is going on is a blessing and curse for many. Personally, I am using classes as a way to motivate myself to be productive instead of sitting around all day snacking and watching YouTube and Netflix. I hope you all are having a safe, socially distanced hot girl semester. 


Kiara Rosado

Georgia Southern '21

Kiara Rosado attends Georgia Southern University and is a Public Relations major from Lawrenceville, Georgia. She loves music, movies, makeup, fashion, and food. If you cannot find her on campus check the local coffee shop or the gym. Always dressed to her best and looking for inspiration on what to write next.
Jorden Allen

Georgia Southern '21

Jorden is a sophomore journalism major at Georgia Southern University. She grew up in Atlanta, GA and enjoys sleeping, eating and watching football! #southernneverstate #hailsouthern #gata