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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at George Mason University chapter.

We all love masking our faces but what about the rest of our bodies? When I first heard about Anese’s “Calm Your Tits” boob mask I was very intrigued and my social media feed began to be filled with ads for the product. However, the $34 price tag was a bit steep for my budget so I held off. Luckily, my sister had been seeing the same ads and bought a jar that she was nice enough to let me use!

The mask promises to nourish and moisturize, reduce acne, blemishes, and breakouts, protect from sun damage and signs of aging, firm and reduce redness and irritation. It is enriched with collagen, green tea and organic honey and has a nice scent that isn’t too strong.

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You can choose to mask as much or as little as you would like, depending on your needs. Since it was my first time using the mask I spread it all over. I put a little extra underneath as I felt that was my biggest problem area due to having a larger chest.

Via @anese.co on Instagram

One of the biggest cons of this mask is that you have to let it dry for 20 minutes. I definitely felt weird standing in my bathroom naked for such a long period of time. I took a few selfies with it on but decided maybe it wasn’t the best idea to include those in my article. The directions say to wipe it off with a warm towel but I just hopped in the shower to rinse off so I didn’t dye any of my white towels green.

I can honestly say that my boobs felt incredibly soft for days after applying the mask and I didn’t seem to sweat underneath as much due to the kaolin clay soaking up all of the oils. I don’t typically get breakouts on my chest so I can’t speak to how it works on acne. However, I don’t think that it made my boobs any more firm or perky.

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So, is it worth the price tag? One jar is meant to be a one month supply if you are using it 2-3 times per week but if you are masking a smaller area or using it less it can last longer. I feel like it would definitely be worth it in the summer when I’m constantly at the pool or the beach and living in my bathing suit. In the colder months? Maybe not so much or at least not as often. Overall, I liked the mask a lot and I am interested in trying their butt masks sometime soon!

Amanda Snead

George Mason University '21

Amanda is a senior at George Mason where she is majoring in Communication with a concentration in journalism and minoring in women and gender studies. She currently serves as Her Campus George Mason's president and Campus Correspondent. She has previously served as the Editor in Cheif and Senior Editor. Additionally, she worked as a Branded Content Intern for Her Campus nationally as well as a Chapter Advisor. She spends her free time writing articles, perfecting her Animal Crossing island and hanging out with her pets.
George Mason Contributor (GMU)

George Mason University '50

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