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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at George Mason University chapter.

By: Hannah Kanfer

One fateful “girls night,” my friends and I were asking each other the serious, relationship breaking questions. One of those questions was of course, “Do you flush or throw-out your tampons”. It seemed like a no brainer, of course everyone throws out their tampons, right? I answered only to have my friends give me confused looks. I was shocked. I didn’t even know flushing tampons was an option that crossed people’s minds, let alone something people actually did. From that point on my life was changed.

I’m here to set the record straight. Here are some reasons to not flush your tampons down the toilet.

1. RIP to your plumbing

Via Pixabay

What are tampons amazing at? Absorbing water and not breaking down, which translates to a magnitude of plumbing issues, such as clogged pipes or even sewage problems. Gross.

2.  Save the environment

Via Pixabay

Tampons are a good contender in items that will ruin a septic tank, which can cause toxic run off into the environment and waste treatment facilities have a hard time dealing with those feminine hygiene products. So do the earth a favor and please just throw your tampons away.

3. The nightmare of a clogged toilet

Via Pixabay

If none of these reasons are convincing enough, imagine this: you bring a cute guy over to your place and he asks to use the bathroom. When he flushes, to his horror, a used tampon floats to the surface, your used tampon. Skip the awkward explanation and just dispose of your tampons properly.

In conclusion, there is only one right answer to this endless debate:

Throw your tampons away!


George Mason Contributor (GMU)

George Mason University '50

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