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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at George Mason University chapter.

Spring break is finally upon us–thank God! It is finally time to relax with our best friends, our family, our significant other and most importantly: ourselves. As much as we want to go on adventures over break, it is vital that we take some time to take care of ourselves. Here are six ways to have a spring break full of self-care!

1. Take some time for yourself

Let’s face it: you need a break from other people. Of course, you shouldn’t completely dissociate from others over break but maybe take as little as an hour to be alone with your own thoughts. You need some time to reflect after the stress that the first half of the semester brings and the only way to do this is to be alone and let your mind wander.

Via Unsplash

2. Binge some Netflix

Binging television, though it can be and is associated with negative connotations, is quite relaxing. You can turn your brain off for a while and simply be entertained. You can challenge yourself with a mystery, laugh away at a comedy or even let out some tears while watching something sappy. No matter the genre, Netflix (or your personal favorite streaming service) can provide some relief to your hectic life with some ease.

Via Unsplash

3. Take a bath, get your nails done–just have a day full of self-pampering!

What else says self-care like spending some time making yourself feel good? Treat yourself! Draw a bath and cleanse for a while, go shopping and buy yourself that outfit you’ve had your eye on, go to a nail salon and relax as someone else does all the work, and get your hair done! Do something that is of a more material nature to really spice up your spring break and make it all about you.

Via Unsplash

4. Catch up on sleep

This really needs no explanation. You are sleep deprived– go get some rest!

Via Unsplash

5. Eat the delicious food you want to eat

Diets? What are those besides unhealthy, both for physical and mental reasons? If there is a delicious, scrumptious, particularly fatty food you want to chow down on over spring break, then do it! You deserve to taste some food that’s not a vegetable. The idea of a “spring break bod” is ridiculous, you should just eat whatever you feel like eating, so long as it is not a detriment to your health.

Via Unsplash

6. Do nothing

What can possibly be more relaxing than doing nothing at all? If this concept of “nothing” freaks you out, see option #2 or try a different activity: read, go on a late-night adventure, drive around or maybe even organize yourself before coming back to school and dealing with the hectic stress it brings. If doing nothing doesn’t work for you, do something!

Via Unsplash 

No matter what you decide to do (or not do) over spring break, make the most of your time off! Once you’re out of college, you may not get these kinds of chances to really recharge. Enjoy your vacation while taking care of yourself!

Laura Scudder

George Mason University '22

Laura Scudder is a sophomore at George Mason University majoring in communication with a concentration in journalism. Originally from Chelsea, Michigan, Laura moved to Virginia to attend school at GMU to earn an education and connect with those in the DC metropolitan area. She works for George Mason's student newspaper, Fourth Estate, as a copy editor and is the president of George Mason's Society of Professional Journalists. She is beyond excited to be a writer and social media editor for Her Campus George Mason.
George Mason Contributor (GMU)

George Mason University '50

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