9-1-1 is a procedural drama show about first responders, primarily centered around a group of Los Angeles firefighters. The emergencies range from intense natural disasters to silly things like vloggers getting microwaves stuck on their heads. Each episode is filled with drama, humor, and excitement—and it might just be the perfect show for you!
I first started watching 9-1-1 in the middle of last semester, when I was desperate for an escape from the stress of school. It was one of those shows I never expected to enjoy, thinking it would be too cheesy, but after one episode I was completely hooked. It’s the perfect mash up of serious topics, emotional moments, light humor, and a cast of characters that are impossible not to love. It does have its cheesy moments, and quite frankly some very unrealistic medical scenarios (can someone really survive being clinically dead for over thirteen minutes?), but I love every bit of it.
Although it is a first responder show, and each episode has its fill of 911 calls, much of the focus is on the characters, their lives, and how the calls impact their own stories. Most episodes have a theme that each call and each character’s story intersect with. For example, one episode revolved around romance, with emergency calls from dates gone wrong and the character’s love lives being explored in between. Whether you like character-driven stories or enjoy watching action-packed drama, this show has something for everyone!
9-1-1 is available to stream on Hulu or, if you’re as crazy as I am and can watch seven seasons in a couple weeks, season 8 begins airing September 26 on ABC.
Spoilers ahead! What I’m looking forward to in season 8:
For those of you who have watched 9-1-1, you probably know that the upcoming season looks to be one of the most drama filled seasons yet. Season 7 left off with Bobby being replaced by a previous captain, Hen and Karen’s foster daughter being taken from them, and Eddie’s son leaving for Texas. As for Buck, he had a relatively happy season of figuring out his identity—which leaves me wondering when the other shoe will drop.
I’m personally most looking forward to seeing where season 8 takes Eddie. Right now, he’s in a precarious spot: he’s still processing the death of his wife, he got caught up in a relationship with a woman who was the spitting image of his late wife, and his teenage son has distanced himself after seeing the two together. Season 8 could be a turning point for Eddie’s character. Will he be able to finally move past his grief and discover who he is now, or will he fall back into unhealthy coping mechanisms?
What we do know is that the season will kick off with a three-episode emergency centered around killer bees. Yes, you read that right. How they’re going to make bees into an emergency worthy of three episodes—especially after other three-episode emergencies had disasters like a tsunami and a capsized cruise ship—I have no clue. But I will be seated, excited, and ready for the chaos to unfold!