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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at GCU chapter.

It’s not surprising that college can be a lot to handle and very overwhelming. No doubt about it. There are countless hours of studying, staying up late to do homework, submitting papers, and preparing for exams. Although college can also be the best experience, many struggle with prioritizing their time to help include self care.  Academics are always important, but it is also important to take care of yourself. Here are some tips to help prevent burn out, illness, and stress.

Always remember sleep is very important! Your body needs at least 6-8 hours of sleep to function properly. Sleep is healing for your body and allows your brain to actively work while sleeping. It is a great idea to start healthy sleeping habits. Before going to bed, try turning off your electronics and staying away from them for 30 minutes prior to laying down. Listening to calming sounds can also be a great way to soothe your body and mind to sleep.

Eating healthy and balanced meals is another important aspect of taking care of yourself. By having a nutritious food plan gives your body the vitamins and nutrients it needs to thrive. It is important to incorporate fruits and vegetables in order to remain energized throughout the day. Make sure to eat breakfast daily, take some vitamins, drink 6-8 glasses of water, and pack snacks for your classes throughout the day. Try to avoid eating fried foods, refined sugar, alcohol, and too much caffeine.

Exercising can really help to decrease stress levels as it can be a stress reliever or outlet. Feeling tense or having anxiety can have a negative effect, and exercising can help reduce those thought and emotion patterns in pursuit of feeling calm. Exercising also helps create healthy habits, and it provides the added benefit of getting in shape.

Take breaks to refuel. Take periodical breaks while studying in the library or writing your paper. Don’t cram a 15-page paper in 24 hours before the deadline. Give yourself sufficient time to write your papers, so that you can schedule breaks to replenish your energy. Take a ten-minute break every 40 minutes or whatever increments work best for you.. Study while drinking a cup of water and take a break once the cup is empty. This helps keep focus while avoiding overworking your brain.

Meditate and practice relaxation techniques. Meditation is a great way to build self-awareness and develop a strategy to manage stressors in college. You can practice meditation and relaxation techniques by finding a quiet space to take deep breaths in a relaxed position. Always remember to turn off your electronic devices to decrease distractions. Other forms of relaxation are listening to soothing music, religious rituals, and reading. You can go on websites like YouTube to find guided meditation exercises.

While in college, it is important to take care of yourself to do the best you can. Such practices can increase both energy and contentment. Being in college is hard, but learning healthy habits can help in the long run, especially when balancing your social life and school life.

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