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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at GCSU chapter.

Everyone is guilty of procrastination. The idea of being perpetually last minute has become something of a joke, with friends trying to one-up each other with how late they were up finishing an assignment due the next day. Here are just a few reasons we shouldn’t strive to underperform. 

Procrastinating is stressful. I hate being worried about whether or not I’m going to finish an assignment with enough time to get to class. 

No matter what anyone says about “working better under pressure,” there are no real benefits to waiting until the last minute. Your work is worse than it would have been had you started before the day it was due. 

You end up resorting to caffeine to keep you awake. Sleep cannot be regained. All promises of sleeping after finals mean nothing. 

You become associated with lateness. People begin to assume that you haven’t done your work yet.

The stress of not having your work down bubbles over into other areas of your life. You begin to get stressed about all of your deadlines and you leave no room to just hang out with friends or relax. 

It can cause serious health issues. I gave myself an ulcer my sophomore year of college as a result of procrastination. I can promise you that you don’t want a hole in the lining of your stomach. 

Overall, just take care of yourself. Procrastinating puts you in a perpetual state of stress and it’s not worth it. Imagine how good it feels to have all of your work done with time to spare. I believe in you – rock your finals and start studying now! 

Lindsey Poe is a Senior English Literature major, Spanish minor here at Georgia College. She loves coffee, Pinterest, peach rings, House M.D., and late night easy mac. In her free time she enjoys taking naps, reading, crafting, and stalking adoptable dogs online. You can follow her on Instagram @linzpoe.