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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Furman chapter.

Dealing with stress in college can be tough. A lot of us are overworked and overextended, which can make taking time to relax much harder. It’s important to adopt habits to destress in the fast-moving college atmosphere. Here are some little things you can incorporate into your routine to keep calm. 


Take a walk

Getting out of your dorm and taking the time to be by yourself can be seriously refreshing. There’s something mindless and centering about simply strolling through campus for the heck of it. Getting outside can instantly destress you, nature is incredibly calming, and you probably don’t get enough time in the outdoors. 


Take a self-care day

Giving yourself time to indulge in your less-than-productive routines can help to remove yourself from the stressors that are weighing you down. A lot of the time, it feels like if what we’re doing isn’t productive than it isn’t worth our time. But that isn’t true.  Doing a face mask, watching a movie, or painting your nails can be exactly the thing that refreshes you enough to motivate more productivity in the future. Your mental health is important too, you can’t always be moving, so don’t underestimate the power of a good self-care day.


Take it back to your roots

Remember when you used to have hobbies? That was neat. Maybe you used to paint, write, read, or play an instrument. Sometimes we can get too busy for the things we used to love doing. Try to reconnect with your old hobbies, it’s important to have things that you do just for you. 


Take time to indulge

Have you been craving pizza all day? Have you not had time to catch up on that Netflix show? Let yourself decompress and enjoy the things you’ve been depriving yourself of. 


Take a nap

Seriously. You need to sleep. People in college do not prioritize sleep the way they should and taking a nap can make everything seem less overwhelming. 


Sometimes the competitive nature of college can almost romanticize stress, it can seem like if you’re not constantly stressed out than you’re not doing enough. It’s important to remind yourself that’s not true, you’re not made to be constantly stressed out, and you should be able to enjoy your time in college. School can be a lot, it can be overwhelming. Find the things that make it more manageable and prioritize your happiness. 

Christina La Rosa is a Senior at Furman University, who is originally from Richmond Virginia. She is a Psychology major. She wants to support and encourage all women to be the best that they can be. She loves her dogs, chocolate chip cookies, and painting.
Mackenzie Smith is the Campus Correspondent and Editor-in-Chief of Her Campus at Furman University. She is a senior majoring in Public Health with a minor in Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies. Mackenzie has a passion for making sure women feel empowered and important throughout all stages of life which can be seen through her work with Girlology and The Homeless Period Project.