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5 Ways to Stay on Top of Stress

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Furman chapter.

As midterm seasons approaches and stress levels begin to rise, it is even more important to take care of your body and mind. In order to get some helpful pointers, I interviewed Furman’s very own Dr. Provenzano of the Psychology department on some useful tips and facts about dealing with stress! 

When it comes to preventing stress, Dr. Provenzano recommends a couple steps; 

  1. Be prepared! Find your time to study and prioritize your time. 
  2. Eat those veggies. Don’t skip out on meals in order to cram for an exam, it is important to not only fuel your body but your mind as well. 
  3. Sleep is not for the weak. Good sleep, and enough sleep can be a vital support pillar for stressful times. Get those eight hours, your mind will thank you for it. 
  4. Don’t forget to have fun. Studying is important, but don’t overwhelm yourself with it 24/7. Grab a friend for a lake walk or watch an episode of your favorite netflix show in between studying sessions! 
  5. Get active! Exercise can be a super great way to manage stress levels and helps with your ability to focus. It does not have to be anything crazy, a quick 10 minute walk or even a bike ride can help recenter your mind. 

Not only can stress be hard to deal with day to day, Provenzano states that long-term stress can actually take a toll on your physical health as well, causing you to be more susceptible to minor illnesses such as colds and the flu. Therefore, taking control of your stress before it snowballs into a bigger issue is not only important for your mental health, but your physical as well. At the end of it all, Provenzano says it boils down to eating right, sleeping well, getting some good exercise, and putting in the time to prepare yourself for exams.

Grace Ann is a Health Sciences Major at Furman University who plans to become an Occupational Therapist. She is passionate about ranch dressing, the great outdoors, time with friends, and exercise. Apart from Her Campus she is also involved in The Shucker Leadership Institute and Chi Omega Sorority at Furman.