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What the Last Month of the Semester Feels Like as Told by Parks and Rec

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FSU chapter.

As the semester comes to a close and the holidays approach, there’s little comfort in the stress filled month that comes before it.

Your procrastination on essays and projects are catching up to you and you realize are all due at the same time.

Courtesy: Buzzfeed

It’s the night before and you’ve already stayed up late with your club preparing a float for homecoming, you haven’t eaten since noon and there’s seven pages of a report left.

Courtesy: Cosmopolitan

On top of all of that you realize that you have to get a teacher recommendation for an internship during the summer and the deadline is next week.

Courtesy: Giphy

After you’ve completed one of your many all-nighters of the past few weeks, you walk into class to find out that he’s assigned another paper before the final.

Courtesy: Buzzfeed

All you can think about is

Courtesy: Buzzfeed

So you decide to completely avoid responsibilities again and try to de-stress.

Courtesy: GQ

And de-stressing pretty much always means drinking. Either alone in your room or out to forget your troubles.

Courtesy: Buzzfeed

But we all know how that goes. Drinking to avoid responsibilities just leaves you hungover with the same amount of work to do.

Courtesy: Tumblr

So put on your hard hat and brace yourselves. We can make it through.

Courtesy: Tumblr

Just don’t think about it too hard and the semester will be over, I promise.

Courtesy: Giphy

FSU graduate student, born and raised in Japan, has an obsessive affinity with tea and cats. Spends her free time reading magazines in her collage-plastered room or ranting about feminism and existentialism to peers. Perhaps in the future Megan will be an editor at a magazine, or something equally as cool and dramatic. Check out her website at meganmmcclain.com
Her Campus at Florida State University.