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Things You Should Do Now That Finals Are Over

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FSU chapter.

Finals week virtually blew through FSU last week (get it…virtually). Those countless hours crying in Strozier were not missed by anyone. Yet despite the fact that no students actually were on campus, the suffering from attempting to boost a grade from a D to B was still all too real for some. Ah, fun times. Nevertheless, students celebrated the end of online school, and most of us remain hopeful that we won’t continue to be online through Fall. (Keep those prayers going!) NO MORE ZOOM CALLS. WOOHOO!

Finals week marks the end of another semester and the beginning of a new year for some students. Yet, something about completing finals week online this semester didn’t feel as climatic and rewarding. Typically, once finals are done, students return home and jump straight into their respective summer mode because the launch of summer includes so many fun plans. Well. Due to our unfortunate circumstances involving being quarantined, most people aren’t able to hang out as they would like. They aren’t able to see their friends, not able to travel, not able to even go eat at their favorite hometown restaurant without the worry of being able to get a seat or worse, getting a seat, but the vibe doesn’t feel the same. So, as we hole up, we may feel a bit like we did when we were younger and wanted to go out, but couldn’t because our parents wouldn’t let us, held captive in our own home. Little social interactions on the radar, except for the occasional thank-you wave to the UPS guy. Alright. I’m being overdramatic, but truly boredom has been at an all-time high and could likely get worse with students now having more “free” time. Right? Wrongo!

So, what now? I’m glad you asked. I know it’s hard to see any good in this situation. Think about it though, now is the best time to accomplish all those things you wanted to do before but couldn’t because you were bogged down with classes or work or other commitments. What do you always complain about not having enough of? (Hint: sleep is not the answer even though I would concur) TIME!!! You have time!!! Truly, the world has slowed so you can do those things you’ve always talked about doing, or you can (dramatic pause) rediscover yourself.

I’ve noticed lately that a lot of people are going through their closet and pulling out clothes they don’t wear to either donate them, sell them or reuse them. So, don’t just throw them out. Be deliberate with your stuff. And if you choose to reuse them by transforming them, now’s your chance to conduct your own Project Runway and spice up your clothes by cutting, bleaching and sewing them. What do you have to lose? The clothes weren’t doing anything, just sitting in your closet. Reinvent your style, ladies.

Learn new things. I know that it’s easier said than done but just try it. One thing that I’ve been challenging myself to do during this quarantine is to learn a new language. No, this is not a sponsored ad, but I would definitely recommend using Duolingo to do so. I’ve been refreshing my Spanish skills on this app, and the way the app interacts with you is so fun and informative. And the best part is it’s free!

Additionally, cooking has become a new hobby of mine. I’ll search for simple recipes with inexpensive ingredients and then go for it, knowing to keep my expectations low. It’s so refreshing to have time to shop for the ingredients, make it and learn your way around the kitchen…all by yourself. Knowing precisely what you are putting in your body and knowing you can do it are huge payoffs. It makes me excited to cook for my roommates next year. I’m no Rachel Ray or Pioneer Woman, but I’m trying. That’s all that matters…well, and that I don’t give anyone food poisoning.

Jason Briscoe
Jason Briscoe / Unsplash

Did someone say exercise? Stop booing. I know. The thought of exercising can be dreadful, but just getting up and moving can help your body immensely. I’m not saying you need to go do Chloe Ting’s two-week ab challenge but simply move your body. It’s what it’s made to do, and your body will not only appreciate it, but activity breeds good mental health. Find someone who healthily motivates you. I’m NOT talking about that Instagram model who is pushing the latest fitness trend guaranteed to solve all your body issues. Yeah. I’ve been there before, and it sucks. Exercise though. It’s difficult at first, but I promise it gets easier, especially with the right music. Of course, you can always learn new TikTok dances. That counts too. The whole moral of the exercise story: Hard work first, better life after!

Lastly, the most important thing you should do now that finals are over is to reset or relax. Take a self-care day where you do absolutely nothing, or if that’s too extreme, do something that makes you feel good. For me, it’s face masks, no not COVID-19 masks, those calming and soothing ones that you slather on your face. Relaxing can also mean creating a journal to express what you’ve been feeling during this whole situation or perhaps what you are grateful for. The likelihood of us ever experiencing a period in time like this is reasonably unlikely, so document it. I guarantee it’ll be interesting to look back at your thoughts in a year…or 20. Do it for your grandkids. They’ll be so intrigued to hear your thoughts and stories and be doubly shocked that you knew how to write with a tool on a piece of paper. Seriously though, I know that it can feel like you need to be ultra-productive during this quarantine, but it’s okay to relax. I mean, we are in the middle of a global pandemic. Slow down. Be present with your actions… allow yourself to experience life, not just endure it.

Anna Schultz-Girl Relaxing In Pool
Anna Schultz / Her Campus

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Hey, I'm Taylor Kirby! I'm a sophomore double majoring in Marketing & Advertising at FSU. You can find me in my room mourning the loss of "Vine" as I pretend I don't know almost every Tik Tok dance.
Her Campus at Florida State University.