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Surviving the Second-Half of the Semester Like a Champ

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FSU chapter.

Here you are, you’ve made it to the middle of the semester! Getting to this point could have felt like one of two things for you: a sprint or a marathon. No matter which way you feel though, at some point you’re going to get worn out if you don’t treat your mind and body properly. We’ve compiled a list of things to keep in mind about your health to help you tackle the rest of midterms like a champ, and finish out the rest of the semester with a bang!

Keep Up with Organization

This might seem super obvious, but as the semester goes on, we tend to get a little lazy with our organization. Although your new planner isn’t as special and shiny as it was the first week of school, it’s still important to keep up with all of your assignments. You might not be a planner, but using apps on your phone, making lists or however you keep track of your assignments is still very important. Doing these things promotes mindfulness, and will even help you remember to get those things done!

Take Breaks

As students we hear the words “take a break” a lot, but often times we forget to do them, or we do them in the wrong way. Believe it or not friends, there is actually a wrong way to take a break. Sorry to tell you this, but you can’t reward yourself with a two-hour nap after doing one assignment. It just doesn’t work that way! What you can do instead is take a small five-minute break after every 30 minutes of work. In those five minutes you can have a snack, stretch or walk outside for some fresh air! I promise, you’ll actually get work done faster this way, and once you’re done you can nap all you want!

Courtesy: HerCampus


Treat Yourself

Working hard is important, and grades are equally as important. With that being said, you need to reward yourself for all the hard work that you do! Dedicate one day of the week, or at least one afternoon of the week where you create some “me time”. Take your dog for a walk around Lake Ella, go get ice cream with your bestie or take a trip to the mall! Whatever you need to do to feel better: do it! School is important but so is your sanity. Make plans in advance of when you’re going to splurge. Planning for that treat day ahead of time will make you look forward to it even more.


When planning out your crazy, busy life, you might get so overwhelmed that you don’t know where to start! Make a list of all the things you need to do (including your fun things) and put them in order of importance. This should go without being said, but please don’t put your fun things at the top of the list, but don’t put it as the very last either! Making lists help so much, and there’s something satisfying about crossing an item off a list when the task is accomplished. Visual aids are super helpful to staying organized and productive!

Stay Healthy

With all the hustle and bustle of midterms, socials, club meetings and weekend getaways, your life is pretty busy. Although you can’t resist a “Moe’s in 10?” text, resist it… sometimes. Everything is well and good in moderation, but constantly fueling your body with fast, cheap food will eventually slow you down. Plus, cooking healthy meals at home will save you so much money! Another thing to consider is trying to get in a little bit of exercise every week. I’m not saying that you have to become a gym buff, but a few pushups, a light jog or even just walking not only helps your physical health, but your mental health as well.

If you keep all of these tips in mind, you will breeze through the rest of midterms and the rest of the semester! If you’re one of those who has felt like this semester is a never ending marathon, with these suggestions hopefully you’ll be ready for that final sprint soon. 

Samantha is an Editing, Writing and Media major. She loves a good cup of coffee, a ruby red lip, roadtripping, and being a downright goof. She dreams to travel the world someday and write about all her adventures. But for now, she just really hopes she can just keep balancing everything at once.
Her Campus at Florida State University.