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Sprinting Towards Your Spring Break Bod

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FSU chapter.

With summer quickly approaching and spring break literally a few weeks away, you’re probably searching the internet for some kind of workout that will help get you bikini ready in no time. Well, look no further because sprinting will be your best friend and worst enemy from here on out.

Sprinting is the perfect combination of muscle targeting and cardiovascular exercising. It’s one of the quickest ways to shed fat in a short amount of time. Just look at a sprinter’s body; it has a low percentage of body fat and has a lot of muscle tone and definition.

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The best part about sprinting is that it saves you time, which means you can work out and still have time to study. Sprinting sessions should last no more than 20 minutes. This is good if you can’t make it to the gym so you don’t have any excuse to not workout. After a sprinting session, you’ll end up burning a lot of calories up to 24 hours after your session. The worst part is that since the workout sessions are short, you have very little time to rest in between sprints and that can be rough for someone who is just starting out.

You can sprint on an inclined treadmill doing intervals, sprinting for 30 seconds and resting for 10 seconds. You can also sprint on the track, running as fast as you can on the straightaways and jogging or walking the curves. This should be done about three to four times a week with rest days in between. Don’t sprint more than four times a week because you have a great risk of injuring yourself.

A senior attending Florida State. Double majoring in English and French. 
Her Campus at Florida State University.