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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FSU chapter.

Spring break is truly the time to thrive. During this week-long vacation, college students are finally able to get a well-deserved break from all the buzz of normal day-to-day life. Throughout this time, you could be catching up on sleep, soaking up some sun or even vacationing in a cool town. It’s all your choice.

Maybe this is just me, but I always tend to get into a little bit of a funk whenever I have to return to the “real world” once spring break is over. While it may be easy to not worry about any responsibilities during spring break, it is highly unlikely that this is still the case when it sadly comes to an end. Therefore, assuming that this feeling may affect others as well, here are some of my tips for getting out of that “post-spring break funk” and back into the normal rhythm of life.

Tip #1: Make a list of what you need to do.

It’s vital to, in a sense, assess the damage and see what we are working with. If you are anything like me, then once it was spring break, your brain switched into vacation mode and all of your responsibilities were put into the back of your brain. It’s not the worst thing if this happens; I just highly recommend that you make a list of what you need to do. When you do this, then it is super easy to stay focused on the tasks at hand that need to be completed. I personally love lists because they allow me to clearly define the tasks I need to do and also be more organized. 

Tip #2: Put extra effort into prioritizing breaks.

When you are working on completing the things from your list, I highly advise that you take breaks in between each task. If you do this, then you are able to better avoid getting burnt out. In the past, I used to be guilty of not prioritizing taking breaks. However, I’ve learned not to do this because life is truly all about balance. 

Tip #3: Try to eat healthier foods and drink lots of water.

If you are going to be productive, you need to make sure to fuel your body with good food so you feel more energized. I love to snack, so whenever I have a lot of things that I need to do, I try to eat more nutritious snacks. While it is important to eat well, it is just as important to stay hydrated. If you do this, then you will be able to feel more nourished and energized.

Tip #4: Make sure you are listening to your body and rest when needed.

While it’s great to get stuff done, it’s just as important to be aware of how you are mentally doing. This is a very busy time in the semester, and it’s important to get rest when you need it. Taking a moment to recharge will allow for you to, in the long run, be more productive and avoid getting burnt out.

Even though the time is upon us where we have to leave vacation mode and go back into work mode, just know that summer will be here before you know it!

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Hi! I am currently a senior majoring in Media & Communication Studies and minoring in Psychology! I love practicing yoga on the beach, cuddling with my cat Bean, and collecting crystals <3