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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FSU chapter.

Final semester senior, Maeghan Eaton, talks about her time in the community service organization, CHICS.

Name: Maeghan Eaton

Major: Marketing

Year: Senior

President of CHICS since Fall, 2017

Her Campus (HC): So, what exactly is CHICS?

Maeghan Eaton (ME): CHICS stands for Caring and Helping in Community Service. We are a co-ed community service club dedicated to serving Leon County and volunteering in the Tallahassee area.

HC: When did you join CHICS?

ME: I joined CHICS my second semester at Florida State with my freshman roommate and now longtime gal pal, Bailey.

HC: What has your CHICS experience been like? 

ME: CHICS has been a very fun part of my life. Not only are the projects fun, but the club is very laid back and casual. It doesn’t stress me out when I need to get service hours and go to a project. Instead, I am excited to see friends and members of the club to have a good time volunteering with them.

HC: What kind of community service events does CHICS participate in? What is your favorite?

ME: We volunteer with several different programs in the Tallahassee and Leon County area. We do projects with animals, Damayan Gardens, special events in the city, food banks, schools and homeless shelters. My favorite projects are ones that involve the environment like our yearly Coastal Clean Up with Keep Tallahassee Beautiful.

HC: Why is community service important to you?

ME: Helping people has always been a passion of mine. At some point in elementary school, I realized that performing an act of kindness, no matter how small, gave me some sort of purpose in life. I would constantly be looking for ways to make everyone, whether we were friends or not, feel good and spread joy by encouraging them to be the best versions of themselves. This led me to seek out volunteer opportunities and I realized I could use this passion for helping others in many different situations. Volunteering in the community is a way for you to connect with individuals and lend a helping hand to someone who may be struggling. Even if I am just a small part of their day, it fills me with joy to know I could be there for someone and make their day a bit brighter.

HC: Does CHICS do anything other than community service?

ME: CHICS is not just about volunteering. It is about learning to be a leader and a friend in your community. We do a lot of club activities like socials and a banquet. Every year, we take the members on a camping trip at Ginnie Springs.

HC: What has been the most memorable moment for you during your time in CHICS?

ME: The most memorable moment with CHICS would be my first service project at a homeless shelter. I was nervous about going alone and not knowing anyone, but by the end of the day, I had met so many amazing individuals who shared their stories with me. I spoke with so many wonderful and passionate people who showed me the importance of being positive even at the darkest times. It made me grateful for what I have, and it encouraged me to help those in need throughout the community.

HC: Why should other people join CHICS?

ME: People should join CHICS to experience a different type of community service club. This club is not just for people who need hours. It’s made for people who don’t care about the hours and people who understand the importance of giving back to our community. It is more casual than most FSU clubs. Our members are here to have fun while volunteering and enjoy the experiences that come along with it. If you have a passion for helping people, CHICS is for you.

HC: How does it feel knowing it’s your last semester at FSU?

ME: It feels great to be in this position. As stressful as it is, I feel like I am ready to move into a new chapter in my life and try “adulting.” FSU has given me so many opportunities and resources these past few years and I am ready to put them to use in the real world.  

HC: What are you looking forward to in the future after you graduate?

ME: I am looking forward to learning about the world outside of a classroom.12 years in school really wears you out. I want to travel and experience the world from every person’s point of view. My goal is to soak up as much beauty and knowledge I can from everyone in every place in the world.

FSU 2021
Her Campus at Florida State University.