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How to Actually Practice Self-Care

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FSU chapter.

Imagine a life where you go to sleep at a decent time every night. You wake up refreshed and early enough to get ready and enjoy your morning coffee before heading out to start your day. You didn’t stay up too late or wake up early to do homework because you’re already so on top of things. As you leave your apartment, you think, “It’s a nice day to go for a jog later.” After work and school, you take yourself up on that proposal. Every meal you eat fills you up and junk food doesn’t appeal to you anymore. Wine is savored and not consumed in large quantities in an attempt to drown your stress.

What a life, right? The thing is, life’s not that simple and we aren’t perfect people.

So how do you balance a life where your health, jobs, classes, and social life are all important? Don’t look for the answer here.

Every single person is unique in more ways than you could imagine. Some people require more sleep than others, some require more alone time, others need to be constantly surrounded by peers. There is no way for me to tell what your situation is, but I can try and reach out to the person who does know you: yourself.

You are the mediator of change in your life and if you’re looking for a way to improve your lifestyle or circumstances, you have to start by making a commitment to yourself. Often when people fall short of what they want to accomplish, it’s because of a lack of personal discipline. You may be quick to jump to conclusions and say, “That didn’t work for me!” But simply put, it’s not a blog post or diet that’s going to change your life. It’s the commitment to yourself that’s going to prompt you to take a look at how others have improved their lives and make your own personal success story.

Courtesy: Katelynn Thigpenn

Think about your lifestyle choices for a moment. When your alarm goes off in the morning, do you get out of bed, turn on the lights and listen to the part of you that set the alarm for that specific time? Or do you give in to the part of you that wants to hit the snooze button just one more time? Personal discipline starts with distinguishing what you want to do at any given moment and what ultimately is the best decision for your longevity and well-being.

The person you want to be in the future is inside of you right now. It’s the choices that you make today, tomorrow and in the weeks ahead that will bring that person to life. Change is good and, as college students, we’re at the point in our lives where we are constantly changing to find the person we feel we truly are. Make a conscious decision to make choices that will shake up your daily life, and I guarantee you will not only benefit from it, but you will also learn so much about yourself. College enables us to constantly discover new things, so don’t forget to make the most important discovery: YOURSELF!

Her Campus at Florida State University.