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How to Achieve that Spring Break Bod

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FSU chapter.

*This article does not represent the views of Her Campus FSU

I hate to be the bearer of bad news, fellow Collegiettes, but it’s late February. Yes, you have your midterms to procrastinate for and yes, you have jobs to apply for. But, there’s a much bigger issue at hand: swimsuit season. It’s the dreaded time of year where hundreds of thousands of articles start to pop up, telling you how to get your body “spring break ready.” Well, I’m here to separate the filth and give it to you straight. There are just two steps involved, but it’s a harrowing, mind-blowing two steps. Are you ready? One: have an occupation that allots enough time for a spring break. Two: have a body. That’s it.

I don’t know about you all, but I am so sick and tired of reading articles that tell me to skip breakfast. I am sick of a stranger asking me if I really need that piece of cake after dinner or if that trip to Cold Stone tastes as good as it feels to be thin and fit. My attitude is in response to an article I read that told its audience to skip meals in order to get that sought-after spring break bod. Skip meals? I had to go back and reread this golden advice not once, not twice, but three times. 

Courtesy: GifRific

This a golden age for women, and we are not defined by our bodies. We have very capable brains and opportunities coming at us from all sides. Yet, a staggering 25 percent of college students have an eating disorder. And, women are not alone in this statistic. 10-15 percent of those suffering from anorexia and bulimia are male. I believe that a lot of this has to do with misinformation in the press.

Courtesy: Giphy

Just as a quick little PSA, please, for the love of all things holy, do not skip breakfast. Unless you’re like my roommate who can’t fathom the idea of putting anything in her mouth right after waking up, you need breakfast. If you are hungry, eat. According to various nutrition studies, eating breakfast creates a leaner, smarter, more energized, all around healthier you. If you skip breakfast, or any meal when you are hungry, you are much more likely to binge later on, completely ruining the point of skipping that meal. You might even eat more than you would have, had you just eaten when you were hungry!

I can note from personal experience that it’s downright exhausting to label foods as “good” and “bad,” and it is taxing to live day in and day out worrying about every little calorie. I know it’s easier said than done, but it is much more important to live your life to the fullest extent and to embrace yourself for who you are. People won’t remember you waltzing on the beach with your smokin’ hot bod for spring break 2016. People will remember your kind heart, your intelligent brain and your quick-witted humor. I’m not telling you how to live your life; if you feel your best and you are truly happy, then go on with your bad self! I’m here to preach happiness and self-acceptance. Check in with yourself every so often, and ask yourself if what you’re doing makes you happy. If there is even the slightest hesitation, change your habits because nothing is worth sacrificing your happiness.

Courtesy: Tumblr

Her Campus at Florida State University.