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Felipe Ramos: An Advertising Guru with Big City Ambitions

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FSU chapter.

Name: Felipe Ramos

Hometown: Daytona Beach, Florida

Year: Senior

Age: 20

Major: Advertising

Relationship Status: Single

Her Campus (HC): Did you do anything exciting this summer?

Felipe Ramos (FR): I actually spent 10 weeks in NYC doing an internship at an advertising agency. Specifically I was working for DigitasLBi.

HC: What was New York like for you?

FR: Pretty awesome! It was kinda like a culture shock for me because there were just so many different people you encounter in the city – on the subway, basically everywhere. After a week though, I got settled in and it was a ton of fun but I must say this experience wouldn’t have been possible if I wasn’t part of the MAIP program.

HC: How did you get involved with MAIP? 

FR: Well, MAIP stands for Multicultural Advertising Internship Program. I applied for it last fall and found out I was accepted in spring, and then the advertising agency, DigitasLBi, chose me to work at their New York office!

HC: Were there other students in the program?

FR: Yeah! Which actually made my time in NY that much more enjoyable. So a few of the other interns and I lived in a dorm in Brooklyn Heights, which is an amazing part of NY—if you ever get the chance definitely check it out!

HC: NY is a dream of mine so I will definitely take that advice. Do you see yourself living there in the future?

FR: Possibly. I will definitely say the cost of living there was expensive. But in my opinion it is an experience that everyone needs to have in their lives. I was just blessed to have that experience over the summer. With all that said though I think it would be silly of me not to take on NY at least one more time.

HC: How did you get into advertising?

FR: When I got into FSU, I was unsure what to do as a major but I always liked talking in public and I worked in sales as a brand ambassador for Geico in high school. So from there I saw that the School of Communication had an Advertising program and as a freshman I applied and luckily I got in!

HC: Was it nerve-racking applying as a freshman?

FR: It was a little bit just because so many people apply and they tell us that only 30-40 people are accepted. So I was nervous not having any advertising background at all, but I was fortunate enough to get in and I’ve made great friends and connections since.

HC: So what are you involved in on campus?

FR: Last semester I was the event coordinator for Por Colombia, but right now I’m just getting really involved in the major so I’m a TA and then I’m also on the FSU advertising team, Arrowhead, it’s fun and a lot of work but I’m excited.

HC: Do you have any advice for incoming Seminoles?

FR: Get involved as much as you can! When I came in as a freshman I thought it would be hard to take on a second job with school, but it’s really all about time management. So I currently work at Einstein’s on campus and I’m also involved in the groups I mentioned before. I must say your planner is your best friend!

HC: Where do you see yourself in five years?

FR: I see myself working in advertising, hopefully in Chicago or Boston. New York is great, but I also want to see what some of these other major cities have to offer or even go over to the west coast and take on California. Basically, I just want to get out of Florida.

HC: So for all the ladies wondering, what do you look for in a partner?

FR: A girl that I can laugh and be my crazy, goofy self with! Where at the end of the day, I don’t have to act a certain way I can just be who I am.

I am currently a junior at Florida State University, studying Editing, Writing and Media. I have a passion for fashion and I love all things pop culture. After graduating I hope to pursue a career in journalism as for now I am simply trying to balance: school, work, having a social life and when I can sleep! I'm taking each day as it comes, and enjoying this journey that is life.
Her Campus at Florida State University.