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7 Reasons Why Spin 45 Can Turn Into Spin Forever

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FSU chapter.

1. It’s a Group Fitness Class

It can be intimidating to complete a workout on your own accord, so it’s great that Spin 45 is taught in a group setting. With the direction of your instructor and the support of 24 other spinners in tow, you won’t have to anticipate what workout to complete next, and you’ll never feel like your going through those painful gains alone.

2. The Instructors

Photo courtesy of Go 2 Yas

Spin 45 is taught by a range of different instructors of all genders and personality types. With so many instructors to choose from, you have the option of finding one you connect with the best and whose individual flare you like the most. During your spin class, the instructor uses their own personalized playlist with songs ranging from rock to 90s throwbacks – all to help you stay motivated throughout your ride. And for whatever reason, if you find one instructor you feel to be just too motivational, or are not a fan of their choice in Destiny’s Child songs, you can always find another instructor to spin with. 

3. Set Your Own Pace

Spin is available to all levels of expertise ranging from beginner to advanced and everything in-between. Unlike other fitness classes, where it can be a struggle to keep up with everyone else or the class seems too rigorous, you have the ability to spin at whatever intensity and pace you choose! Since you have your own bike, you’re the one who controls how hard you want to workout. It’s perfectly fine to go at the speed in which you feel most comfortable, but you should always try to push yourself a little harder. Even if it’s just a little bit. Because you never know what your body is capable of until you try.

4. Unending Motivation

With the constant encouragement of your instructor, and the enervated but sincere “woos” from those spinning with you, there is a refusal to not give up. Whatever challenge you encounter on your ride, having the support of others lets you know that you’re never alone in the feat.

5. The Dark

The great thing about Spin 45 is that it is taught completely in the dark!  There’s no need to worry that all eyes are on you as you attempt your workout, or fearing that someone will see you in a sweaty, yet justified mess. When the lights go out, your imagination turns on and you can spend the next 40 minutes solely on the betterment of yourself.

6. Lose Track of Time

Since Spin classes can vary in type of challenge and level of intensity, you tend to lose track of time when you’re focused on accomplishing your fitness goals. Using positive verbal language and visualization mechanisms, your instructor becomes a constant motivating force to challenge you to work your hardest. You can stop thinking of Spin as simply a workout and more as the means to a goal line. Before you know it, you’ll be at the end of that hill and out of class time.

7. You’ll Feel Awesome At The End

Courtesy: Fort Hood Sentinel

Since you’re in control of how hard you workout, you’re also in control of how good you feel afterwards. Besides burning calories, you also release tons of endorphins that make you feel like your biking on cloud 9 (but maybe not in the moment). By dispensing those bad toxins and letting the good vibes in, you feel physically and mentally great. Eventually you’ll be on a spinner’s high that keeps you coming back for more.

If you’re interested in taking your very first Spin 45 class or your 100th, you can sign up here. The Leach also offers Spin 40 + ABS so you can achieve those strong abs that’ll slay. Like all fitness classes offered, sign-up opens 25 hours before the class begins; so sign up as soon as possible. There’s a reason these classes fill up so quickly! 

Her Campus at Florida State University.