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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Fordham chapter.

The worst part of any vacation is the instant dread you feel when you realise how soon you’ll have to return to reality. While it may only be our third week back, it’s easy to fall out of a routine having been gone for so long. It may already like we’ve been back for ages, which may mean for some (me) there may be a lack of motivation – especially with the lack of sunlight and warmth. 

To help you get back on track, here’s a list of my top five ways to get back into a routine!

Prioritise Your Sleep!

Often times we take our sleep for granted – and it’s easy to do so with a plethora of distractions available to us like TikTok, Netflix, YouTube, and Disney+. Set up a bedtime for yourself and aim for a realistic amount of sleep. A good night’s sleep is truly a game-changer. 

Familiarise Yourself With Your New Schedule

This seems self-explanatory having started a new semester, but being able to have a set daily (or weekly) layout of when you’re going to be doing homework for a specific class, or even detailing out when your laundry and grocery days are, will help you get back into your groove. 

Make Changes

Following number two, take a step back and reflect on how did your last semester. What worked for you? What didn’t? Would you benefit from trying another routine – one with more or less free time? You can also start trying out new things like taking up a hobby, joining clubs, or anything that intrests you!

Implement a Healthier Lifestyle

Again, pretty self-explanatory, but it’s always easy to fall into the college trap of cheap dinners and unhealthy lifestyle habits. Try eating more greens, or have a smoothie once in a while. New Year, new me? Certainly still possible! Hit the gym or try following at home workouts!

Spice It Up!

The weekly routine of school may not be the most exciting for everyone, but try planning things with your friends (or take time alone) that excites you! Plan a movie night with your friends, try a new restaurant, try a new hobby you all would love, or even take a mini road trip for long weekends! 

I hope these tips helped you because they certainly helped me get back into my routine!

Alex Go

Fordham '22

I'm an international and transfer student at Fordham University. I'm a Sociology major and hopefully minoring in Marketing! I grew up in Manila, Philippines and I love to travel (and eat!). Follow me on my instagram @golexi.