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The Thank You’s You Need To Give Before Graduation.

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FIU chapter.

The time has finally arrived, you’ve counted weeks, days, hours, minutes, and seconds and now you’re about to cross one of the most anticipated finish lines, graduation. While it has felt like forever and the amount of work put in just to get there, there are a few people who deserve a thank you.

Without them, this journey you so anxiously wait to finish could not have been possible for either their sacrifice and hard work. 

Your parents. Let’s face it, you wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for them, literally. The constant fights to wake up in the morning, groundings for not doing well on an exam because you’d rather play video games than study, or blowing up your phone at 2 am because you’re not in bed, and it was worth it. You learned to get up at 6 am to make it to either class or work on time, studied harder to get better grades, and learned that staying out till 2 am is only acceptable on the weekends when they’re out of town. They gave up everything they could to make your dreams come true and that sacrifice not only deserves a thank you but a big hug as well. 

Your professors. Being a professor is way harder than what it seems. They’re humans just like the rest of us and make as many mistakes as we have, they too deserve a thank you. Whether it was reviewing an exam with you, a letter of recommendation, or even a simple grade curve. They gave up their time to be underpaid and teach you all that they know. 

Your advisors. You might have fought with them, cried because of them, even probably changed your major because of them. At the end of the day after everything that might have happened you made it, whether because of them or in-spite-of them. They deserve that thank you even if they were of no help, mostly because you figured it out on your own. 

Your boss. I don’t know where I’d be without my boss. Not only did she give my first big-girl job, but she had also been a source of comfort when school wasn’t accommodating to my work schedule. Always understanding and supportive, I owe her a thank you for the past 3 years. Bosses are humans too; they make mistakes like everyone else. They might be your best friends or understanding at times, remember you work for them and without them, you would be either lost in your job or broke. 

Your friends. Your friends have heard it all. Those long nights of studying in the library, quizzing each other, or even when they bring you Starbucks after a bad day. They helped you get through some pretty challenging times, so don’t forget to thank them for helping you through some pretty bad but also incredibly amazing times. 

Your mentors. All the advice you’ve needed, they’ve had the answer. From the type of internship you should pursue to getting letters of recommendation, they’ve helped guide you in the right direction you’ve wanted to take in your career, and yes they deserve that thank you as well. They might not be aware of their mentorship to you, which would make this thank you even more meaningful to them as well. 

A simple thank you can go a long way and sometimes people don’t realize how much either their support, guidance or assistance have made a difference in your life. Let them know before you go, they’ll be extremely grateful that you took the time to think of them. 

A senior at Florida International University, Kaylin is currently majoring in Broadcast Journalism with a minor in Art. Aside from writing, she has a passion for pastry making, film photography, and reading. She can usually be found by the pool or beach reading a new adventure.