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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FIU chapter.

Recently buzzing through the social media platforms with the help of Instagram influencers, YouTubers, etc.  is the idea that from now on there will be a word or short phrase used to describe each year in the new decade. In light of this theme and it being the first month of 2020, I invite you to be intentional and make thoughtful choices in your life. Here are a few things that will guide you towards directing your aim at a better you: 


  • Make vision boards with friends about how you see the other. This way you will brighten someone’s day but also prepare to see how remarkable your friends see you. 

  • Book a voyage not a vacation because this way you will be chasing  a commodity rather than escaping your everyday life. 

  • Come up with an empowering morning ritual that works for you. 

  • Use your special occasion items to create more special moments.

  • Enroll in unique workout classes that are out of your comfort zone even if you completely fail at it. 

  • Wash your sheets more often, especially when it seems like the end of the world; I promise it’s not and tomorrow you’ll wake up it’ll be a brand new day and your sheets will feel great. 

  • Buy flowers for your home instead of waiting for someone to buy them for you.  

  • Go get your yearly check up. I’m a big advocate for face masks and scented three wick candles but there’s no self care like getting the medical care you need. 

  • Make a playlist for every month of the year and then listen to them on the last day & reflect on all the memories that come flooding back.

  • Drink your coffee black because this year will bring enough sweet things to your everyday life. 

  • Get rid of FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out) because being an adult means saying no to plans that don’t always align with your goals. 

  • Stash healthy snacks in your desk, tote, and just about everywhere else, you’ll thank me later. 

  • Celebrate the little things! Like how many steps you took today :) 

  • Stretch every morning without even leaving your bed. I do this routine I found on pinterest a while back each morning in bed and it has become the equivalent to a shot of espresso for me. https://pin.it/x2othelk5pw5fp 


Remember that the most significant advertisements work by demonstration not empty claims. Meaning that in 2020 become the best version of yourself by keeping yourself accountable in every aspect. Making a resolutions list is outdated and futile so in this new decade take the time to snap pictures of yourself chasing your goals.

Ana is currently a Junior studying marketing at Florida International University. Once she graduate she will be pursuing a career in brand management in the beauty industry. You can follow her on Instagram: @anmiax