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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FIU chapter.

College students often overlook the importance of staying physically active during a busy full-time or part-time semester. Oftentimes, students focus on studying and then forget to leave space in their schedules for physical activity. Incorporating yoga into the week is a proactive way to improve the overall health of the body and mental state. The foundation of yoga is based on asanas (posture), pranayama (breathing), and dhyana (meditation). During a typical yoga session, the instructor begins the class with a neutral pose and a moment to recognize a desired intention for the length of the class. Usually, the intention for the class could be a dedication for someone, something, or even a positive thought. The instructor commonly encourages the people in the class to return to the intent or message set at the beginning of class and creates awareness of the posture of the body. Focusing on breathing is another added component of the class that enforces stress-relieving actions. With each breath, the goal is to fill and empty the oxygen in the lungs, creating a deep awareness of the body and organs. The safe practice of high quality yoga is ideal for healthy people. By adequately following the professional yoga instructor during the class, injuries can be minimized. The chances of acquiring a severe injury is very small. Moreover, the most frequent injury is the spraining or staining of muscles. In yoga, it is important to be aware of the body and maintain proper form. However, people who have chronic conditions should consult their doctor to see if they are able to safely commit to this practice. According to the American Heart Association, the practice of yoga has the ability to help lower blood pressure, improve circulation, tone muscles, and build a positive state of well-being. Many of the sequential and repetitive poses in a yoga session require the strengthening and stretching of muscles. After consistently practicing yoga overtime, your personal level of flexibility is likely to expand. There are many exercises or poses that tend to focus more on one region of the body. For example, a cat pose, cow pose, or chair pose, targets the stretching and use of the muscles located in the lower back region. These poses have the potential to aid in the relief of lower back pain. So, to what extent is yoga effective? Although more research needs to be done regarding yoga, there is already positive news being presented. According to the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (NCCIH), there is evidence that supports that the practice of yoga can improve the symptoms and quality of life of many patients who suffer from MS, Cancer, and COPD. The effectiveness of this physical activity goes beyond the anatomy. It can help cope with anxiety, depression, or PTSD. Whether you want to increase your flexibility, relax, or even help study habits, yoga may be the solution. Taking a 60-minute break from studying to dedicate time to a session of yoga can actually help with school. Another benefit of yoga is that it actively stimulates cognitive function. By minimizing stress, memory is enhanced in a way that allows the brain to recall more information. Clearing the mind and going back to studying is a smart way to retain the information you would need to know when studying. Find your zen, keep calm, and namaste everyone!