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How I Get Through Finals As a Student With ADHD

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FIU chapter.

The season college students dread the most is upon us: finals week. Old habits tend to increase during this time, as well as all-nighters and my already-intense caffeine addiction. As someone with ADHD, finals season is incredibly challenging for me, as I would often get distracted and lose track of time to study and complete my assignments. But thankfully, I have learned a few key methods throughout the years that have helped me avoid this cycle. Here are some methods that have helped me stay focused during finals week:

Pomodoro Technique:

This method is famous for a reason. For those unfamiliar with it, you basically study/complete your assignments for 25 minutes and then take a break for five to 15. This technique is great in helping one manage their distractions and also helps in staying motivated. Not to mention you’ll also be increasing your accountability and practicing your multitasking skils. This method is a life-saver when I’m working on papers or assigned readings.

Listening to ADHD Focus Music:

Even if you don’t struggle with ADHD, this method can still prove useful. This method helps out by canceling out noises around you. In my case, I always listen to music that don’t have lyrics because then I know I won’t get distracted.

Creating a to-do List

Writing out a list of the assignments I have to do helps me understand what I need to prioritize. I usually write down the papers I need to get done and their due date. Every time I feel overwhelmed, I sit down, grab my notebook and determine what the easiest and hardest tasks are. After doing so, I complete the easiest tasks first to get them out of the way before moving on to the hardest.

Once you are finished with finals, no matter the outcome, treat yourself! Watch your favorite show again, buy yourself a coffee, or do whatever simple thing you consider self-care, like applying a mask; you deserve it. Happy Summer!

Hello! My name is Christine Santiago; my pronouns are she, her, and hers. My major is Political Science/Pre-Law.