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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FIU chapter.

Finals week has finally arrived and it’s time to put a plan in action. It’s easy to get distracted, fall behind, and procrastinate your assignments but that just leads to unnecessary stress. Not to mention, the hours of last-minute cramming that can lead to lack of sleep and not taking care of yourself. It’s important to maintain a balance in the midst of such a chaotic week in order to not burn yourself out and ultimately perform better. 

Create A Study Schedule 

Plan out your days and the week in advance. Finding time to fit everything in between classes, studying, exams, work, and other obligations can be tricky and very overwhelming. Using a planner/organizer may seem obvious but it helps keep things in order and allows you to not forget important times or reminders. Write things down, schedule your study sessions in blocks, and remember to take breaks!

Prioritize Your Time

“Work Hard, Play Hard” but the work has to come before the play. When studying for finals or finishing projects time becomes critical. It’s important to use your time wisely and prioritize your list of things to do. Give your attention, energy, and time into the assignments and tests you’re struggling with the most. Make effective use of your prime study hours. While it can be tempting to hang out with friends the night before an exam or blow off studying completely, it will not give you the results you might have hoped for. 

Stay Hydrated and Remember To Eat

In the middle of all the studying and cramming it’s easy to become so focused that you lose track of time and forget to eat or drink water. Staying hydrated has many benefits and can actually provide a mental boost. As for food, keep snacks around while studying so you’re not working on an empty stomach. There are a number of foods like berries and broccoli that help with brain memory. By fueling our bodies we are fueling our brains and can perform better. 

Set Time For Yourself

While it might seem like you’re wasting time not studying, it’s so important to take a step back and relax for a couple of hours. Set some time apart from studying to just relax, drink some calming tea, throw on a face mask, or even take a nap and recharge. Overwhelming yourself with nonstop studying isn’t healthy and can actually hinder brain retention. You’ll thank yourself in the long run.

Stop Scrolling!

Your phone can be your worst enemy and biggest distraction while studying. Spending hours scrolling through social media or replying to your group chats won’t help in acing your finals. Instead, turn off your phone for a couple of hours or leave it in another room while you study. This way you won’t have notifications distracting you every minute and you can get the most out of your studying. 

Finals week can be a hectic week but it’s only one week and then it’s over. Don’t let the pressures of finals wear you out, instead plan and maintain a healthy balance by remembering to take care of your health in the process. You’ve been learning the material for a full semester, you got this! 

(Source: Giphy)

Allison is currently a Broadcast Media major at Florida International University. Passionate about writing and reporting, Allison aspires to one day work in a newsroom. She hopes to share her love for music, movies, fashion, and all things pop culture through her writing.