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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FIU chapter.

Nail biting, hair pulling, and an unsettling anxiety in the pit of our stomachs. Sound familiar ladies? Midterms are just around the corner and the stress is becoming more and more palpable among the students of FIU. For some, it’s not only the stress of school; personal issues take a toll on us as well. Whether it be stress from problems in a romantic relationship, friendships, or family issues here are some tips on how to deal with it!

1. What’s causing it?

You lay in bed and think: What could it be? Could it be that I’m scared to fail my Math class? Am I scared that his mom doesn’t like me? What is it?!

That is one of the first things that you should do ladies. Analyze where this stress is coming from and work to solve it. Are you stressed because you think you might fail your math class? If you know someone who is good in math, then ask them to help you. There is also the University Learning Center in GL, right next to the Starbucks, where you can make an appointment and get tutored.

However, if it is a personal issue concerning another person, such as if you are in a relationship or it is a problem with a friend, then talk to them. Nothing will be resolved until you discuss it.

2. Talk to somebody

Like I stated before: Communication is key! Especially if the stress you are dealing with is concerning another person.

Even then, if the stress is coming from something you are dealing with alone, then talk to somebody you trust about it. Ladies, it is never good to keep your feelings bottled up! All it does is just bring you down. So if you’re feeling stressed, set up a lunch date with some of your closest girlfriends and tell them what’s going on. More than likely, they’ll either be dealing with the same problem and you can work together to solve it, or they will give you advice on how to deal with it.

3. Sleep

Have you been staying up lately trying to finish a research paper? Studying for a test at 12:00 am? Working on homework and knocking out with the book in your lap? Then you wake up the next morning with bags under your eyes and no recollection of what you were working on last night?

Due to this lack of sleep, we don’t perform as well in school or in a job. This decline in performance then causes stress. Therefore, it is imperative that we get enough sleep each night. Though sometimes, it is necessary to pull all-nighters, it does not mean we always have to do them. Try to find time in your schedule to work on homework or study for a test, because it is better to study earlier and get a goodnight’s rest than to study till late and wake up with little to no recollection of what you learned.

4. Exercise

Some people don’t take this approach because they are already so stressed, they don’t want to deal with the thought of having to exercise. However, what those people don’t know is that exercise can act as a stress reliever. When exercising, your endorphins are boosted up! The physical activity that your are partaking in, whether it by yoga or a spinning class, boosts up the production of endorphins which are also called the “happy” neurotransmitters. Exercise also improves your mood and it helps to improve sleep, since sleep is often disrupted by stress.

Ladies, following these tips will hopefully lead to a less stress filled week! Good luck on Midterms!