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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FIU chapter.

Job and internship hunting can be difficult and overwhelming, but thankfully different platforms can make it easier- actually. The biggest tip is to get a head start exploring options, networking, and building your profiles so that it all doesn’t feel like one big daunting task around graduation time.

Generation Hired

Developed by Her Campus Media, Generation Hired is a new platform designed to match you with positions you’re actually compatible with. An element that sets them apart from other job-finding sites is that they try their best to create a community and share advice with students. Follow them on Instagram @generationhired to be informed about upcoming and frequent “Office Hours,” one-hour discussions held with nothing short of inspiring women who share the best career tips, held through Zoom. With a focus on community, it’s a gateway to network with potential future colleagues, mentors, or even bosses. 


The reliable classic. While it may seem overwhelming at first, and indeed it can be, creating a LinkedIn account while still in college makes it less daunting. It’s helpful to divide filling out your profile into smaller tasks. Start by filling in as much of your basic information as possible and getting a good headshot. Then go into the particulars, what makes you “you.” If you’re filling it out a few semesters before you plan to begin jobhunting, update it as time goes by. Maybe you change your major or take on a minor, or have a new experience to add to your online resume. Getting a head start on LinkedIn also gives you time to explore the platform and add to your network.  

College Fashionista

Another Her Campus Media platform centered around building community and great to join before graduating is CollegeFashionista. Through their weekly newsletters, Facebook groups, Instagram, and partnerships, you are sure to connect with students going through similar processes. You also gain valuable insight into the internship/job-hunting/side-hustle process and even step into experiences that may open doors for your future. Make sure to explore it at least a couple of semesters before graduation, as joining does require applying and being accepted first. 

FIU Career and Talent Development Center

Many FIU students aren’t aware this department exists, and much less do they know that its services are also available to alumni beyond graduation. Through the center, you can meet with career advisors to figure out a plan that works for you and revise Resumes, cover letters, and CVs. All for free! While you meet with them, it becomes very helpful to create a Handshake account. On it, you can submit your resume, and someone from the department will take a look at it soon after for you and leave comments on it for revisions or if it’s good to go. Keep an eye on your student inbox for announcements to Zoom drop-in hours where you can speak to career advisors without an appointment.  

Parker Dewey

If you don’t have the time for a full-on internship, check out Parker Dewey for all of the micro-internships they offer, many of which are paid. Start by creating your profile and selecting the different fields you’d be interested in. Then you can go filling in all of the details bit by bit, or all in one sitting as it should take a maximum of a couple of hours. The platform allows you to choose your availability (full-time, part-time, remote, on location, willing to travel), so the opportunities presented to you are as fitted to you as possible. 

Daniela is a senior majoring in English Literature and Criminal Justice at Florida International University.