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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FIU chapter.

If you’re a true #ProudPanther, admit it, you know you’re interested in taking at least SOME graduation pictures in honor of the memories you’ve made here. Therefore, I thought I’d share some of the best FIU graduation picture spots there are. Thanks to my amazing photographer, Margi Rentis, I was able to get the picture perfect shots I have been dreaming about getting when I graduated. Follow her on Instagram, @margirentisphotos, for other graduation photo shoots she has done in the past! Below are the results and spots you can’t miss getting your graduation pictures at…

1. Inside AND Outside the FIU Library

 2. The Graham Center (GC) Fountain

3. The GC Seal

4. In front of GC

5. At the Panther Statue​

Some additional spots that are good backdrops are the Stadium and Architecture Studio Building’s walls. I highly recommend, especially if they’re sentimental places for you. And for all my business majors, I have one more spot you can’t miss…

6. The College of Business Complex (CBC) “FIU Business” Sign

In addition to these spots, you may want to consider bringing some props and significant people that helped you get to where you are today. Here are some that I included in mine…

1. Your Grad Cap, chords, and stoles!

2. Balloons & any shirts/sweaters of organizations or programs you participated in!

3. Confetti! You can buy some at Party City or Walmart.

4. Significant people in your life! (I brought my parents, especially since they’re both FIU Alumni.)

Other props I recommend are smoke bombs and champagne! They can make your Graduation Photo shoot even more fun! 

Well, CONGRATS FIU GRADS! I hope you find this article useful especially with another graduation season approaching right around the corner!

Hi, I’m Steff, and I believe “Style is not changing to fit the fashion but rather changing the fashion to fit you.” What I have found to be true is that the fashion in which one sees opportunities and chooses how they will pursue them to form the lifestyle they live, determines how much happiness their life will bring. Currently, I’m an Honors College student at Florida International University with a double major in International Business and Marketing. Because I have over five years of work experience in retail, I decided to get a Retail Marketing and Management Certificate and am very interested in the business side of the fashion industry. I’m also attaining a Global Media Communications Certificate which makes me qualified for positions in Public Relations, Advertising and even Journalism. Since I’ve grown up in Miami, Florida my whole life, I decided to study abroad. I went to Italy with the FIU Honors program, Switzerland, Austria, and Germany with the FIU Marketing program, and Dubai and India with the FIU Management Program. Therefore, I decided to also get a Certificate in European and Eurasian Studies. Furthermore, due to my work experience in representing several brands and companies, I realized the importance of understanding one's target market, their selling behavior, and staying up-to-date in current trend analysis, so I also decided to get a fourth Certificate in Marketing Research and Analysis and a fifth in Social Media and E-Marketing Analytics. I believe my academic and professional backgrounds have helped me to become an open-minded person who can remain flexible when faced with any kind of adversity and always stay curious. Now I'm writing for Her Campus in hopes to inspire and give back to all my other college girl bosses out there, who I already know are killing it this semester. Best wishes always, Estefania Lastre P.S. it's Steff