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Finals Season Prep: 4 Ways I Take Care of my Mental Health During Exams 

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Fairfield chapter.

Take Time For Yourself

Sometimes it is hard to take a break when you have a packed schedule. Taking a break for self care and reflection is important for your mental health anytime, not just finals week. Some activities you can do on your own include… 

  1. Take a long walk to the beach
  2. Sign up for a spin class at the RecPlex
  3. Go to your favorite coffee shop in town (mine is Shearwater)
  4. Listen to a podcast on the treadmill
  5. Read a book or journal in bed
  6. Take a long, hot shower and use your favorite products such as a body scrub or scalp mask

It is great to do some of these activities with friends, however I think it is even more important to do them on your own to be in the presence of your own silence and thoughts. 

Get Organized

To have a bit less of a stressful finals season, organizing your room and your schedule will help lift pressure off your shoulders. 

  1. Start off by making your bed, organizing your pillows, and tucking your sheets in, or if you want a complete refresh, wash and change your bedding. 
  2. Next, take all the items off your desk and spray and wipe it down. Either reorganize your desk with items placed differently for a change of scenery, or place it the same way as before. 
  3. Third, use a physical planner, Google Calendar, or Notion to create a plan for your finals week. Color code and label, whatever works best for you!
  4. Lastly, on a piece of paper, write a to-do list of everything you need to accomplish. The feeling you have after checking something off is motivating and exciting. 

Get a Good Night’s Sleep

An all nighter at the library will ultimately not have a positive impact on your mental health or final exam results. Taking time to study during the day, but also prioritizing your sleep, is a good balance. Listen to your body and when it tells you it is time for bed, go to bed! Aim for eight or more hours of sleep. 

Have Something to Look Forward To

Finals week takes a toll on everyone’s mental health. Planning something exciting to do after you finish a final, as well as finishing all your finals is important. Some tips on what you can plan to think about the positives after finals include…

  1. Plan to have a picnic on the beach with friends (Colony Pizza!!)
  2. Plan a day trip to New York City
  3. Plan a trip to the beach with your friends when you are back home

Wishing you all good luck with finals week, and have a great summer! Remember, put your mental, physical, and emotional health first! 

XO Suzanne

Suzanne Collins

Fairfield '26

Suzanne Collins is a first-year student studying marketing at Fairfield University's Dolan School of Business. In her free time, she enjoys playing squash, finding the best matcha spot in town, and trying new cuisines. She hopes to pursue a marketing career in tech or the food and beverage industry, or she will start a company of her own.