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Strapped For Cash After Freshers’ Week? 4 Ways To Exercise On A Budget

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Exeter chapter.

It’s common knowledge that Freshers’ Week robs us of any spare cash (and dignity) we might have earned over the summer, with each TP burger or trip to Co-op slowly eating away at our hard-earned savings, each new society we’ve joined at the Freshers’ Fair delivering blow after blow to our bank accounts, and each VK we buy adding to the number of times ‘The Arena Nightclub Exeter’ appears on our bank statements.

Therefore, it’s no surprise that we’re reluctant to fork out for gym memberships at this time of year! But look no further, here at Her Campus Exeter we have four cheap (yet effective) ways of keeping fit and healthy during term-time.


Whilst this may be an obvious one, we definitely all under-estimate the benefits of running: it’s absolutely free and a perfect way to have a quick work-out if you’re pushed for time. Not only are there endless routes to try in Exeter – down by the quay, up in the hills past Penny C or even the Trim Trail – but running is the ideal form of exercise for fat-burn since it builds up more lean muscle. It has also been said that it stimulates circulation and the transportation of nutrients around the body, making your complexion clearer!

Home Workouts

Need a quick break in between essays? Find an upbeat playlist and set yourself some workout targets: sit-ups, squats, lunges and burpies can all be done so easily in the comfort of your own home, and stairs are equally useful for a quick cardio session or for tricep dips. If you’re lacking in inspiration, YouTube has some great workout videos which are both accessible and motivational, and best of all, completely free!



Are you a spinning class fan but not keen on the prices? Cycling is a much more scenic, and cheaper, way to achieve exactly the same results. Don’t worry if you don’t own a bike in Exeter, plenty of people do and I’m sure a flatmate/course-friend would be more than happy to let you borrow. Gather a group of friends and make a day of it, it’s a perfect way to see more of Exeter, burn some calories and save money!

Exercise classes

Not completely without a price, but you definitely get your money’s worth! Here at Her Campus Exeter, we’re huge fans of BodySoc, the University’s biggest society, which offers a huge range of student-run exercise classes at a mere £1 per session (excluding the £20 sign up fee). Whether you’re a Pilates fanatic or in need of a relaxing Yoga class, BodySoc makes sure that there’s something for everyone whilst ensuring that exercise is affordable for cash-strapped students.

Keeping fit and healthy during term-time need not break the bank; hopping on a bike with your friends or dedicating some spare time to a workout  in your room both saves money and keeps away the dreaded Freshers’ Fifteen!

Picture Credits: www.telegraph.co.uk, www.newtonrunning.co.uk, www.fitsugar.com, www.inhabitat.com, www.hercampus.com

Helen is a third year English student and a HCX novice. Despite her many contact hours, Helen manages to find time to exercise daily and can usually be found out running or in the gym. As a member of Exeter University Lacrosse Club, she is a keen sportswoman and therefore hugely excited to be joining the Health and Fitness section!