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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Exeter chapter.

If you’re like most normal people, the start of the new year (school year obviously) probably means your dying to shed the bit of holiday weight you’ve got hanging on from summer.

But for obvious reasons, especially hangovers, struggle to drag yourself to the gym (it doesn’t help that they put the gym at the very top of forum hill).

Ladies, the solution for this is fitness classes. Especially since once you pick up the phone and book you are then obliged to go, literally you have to go to the gym or you get fined.

Classes are also an amazing way to not find yourself wondering what to do next in the gym and so just ending up lounging around the mats.

So now that you have decided to be a virtuous human being, you have to decide what classes to take!

Harder that your average yoga or Pilates class but still miles away from an intense set of circuits is Body Pump.

Body pump is probably one of the best and one of the only ones where you can decide how crazy and intense or light you want your workout to be.

Surprisingly, most girls, when asked about body pump think it’s a super insane fitness class for weight lifters of fitness fanatics. I’m here to set the record straight on this one. Body pump is genius, it’s literally the best way to tone up (in all the right places, without becoming a body builder) I’ve found so far.

It can seem a bit daunting as a concept but fear not, its brilliant. At the start of each class you go to the weight selection and pick up all different kinds (ranging for me from about 1.5 to 5kg) and a bar. Throughout the workout you can then switch around your weights to suit your needs or how you’re feeling about the exercise.

In the hour you get all the main “problem zones” like bum, arms and abs but also strengthen your back and legs at the same time.  Each exercise is as intense as you make it since you control the weights you decide to use and only lasts for the length of a song or two.

If you’re not completely sold yet, it’s almost always an all girls class, probably since it’s mainly intense chart toppers and dance music with a super enthusiastic trainer (which is obviously ideal because no one likes sweating profusely either next to a bunch of guys or next to people who clearly know what they’re doing when you don’t). 

So what are you waiting for girls?! Get down to Body Pump and be the envy of campus!

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