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5 Videos That Are Guaranteed to Cheer You Up

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Exeter Cornwall chapter.

November is a tough month. Deadlines are weighing heavily upon all of our shoulders, we’re all spending far too much time in the library, and the Christmas holidays are just a little bit too far away for our liking. On top of this, the world is a pretty grim place at the moment – spend five minutes watching the news, and it’s easy to feel overwhelmed by feelings of hopelessness, anger and sadness. 

People deal with these feelings in different ways, but I personally find that it’s best to find something temporary to make everything seem less bleak. Mostly, for me, this comes in the form of stupid internet videos. In fact, I consider myself an expert in stupid internet videos. Usually featuring animals. 

So here’s a small selection of some of my favourite animal videos on the internet. They’re pretty much guaranteed to make you feel better about life in general. 

1. Benjamin the Pygmy Goat

He’s just a tiny, baby goat, living his best life and skipping in a way that is so adorable, it almost brings me to tears.

2. Humpback Whale feeding time 

This video is a slow starter, but you have to hold out for the end. Hands down, the best bit about this video is the guy who is filming it, because he is just so excited about whales that it’s impossible to not also feel extremely excited about whales. (Warning: expletive at the end of the video!)

3. This kitten who decides to befriend the cameraman

So fluffy. So gentle. So pure. This is the kind of content that the internet exists for.

4. Bathtime for baby sloths

Whether you’re a fan of sloths or not, it’s difficult to watch this video of a bunch of sleepy, fluffy creatures being (literally) hung out to dry without cracking a smile. 

5. A tiny puppy learns to howl

I’ve saved the absolute best for last, because this video is too cute to be legal. There’s nothing more precious than this little angel of a creature attempting to howl ferociously. Absolutely nothing.

We hope these give you something to smile about this weekend! Keep your chins up, folks. 


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Amy Beaumont

Exeter Cornwall

I'm an English Literature and History student, a big fan of cats, and Campus Coordinator for Her Campus Exeter Cornwall.