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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Endicott chapter.

Why Balling Your Eyes Out Is Okay


Ladies I know that Fergie said “Big girls don’t cry” but every now and then you gotta let it out! Keeping all those emotions bottled up can be so hard and it can just makes things worse. I know midterms are coming up and school can be super stressful. Hey, I cry probably every other day for a couple minutes in the shower, and I’m not ashamed. Crying can be very beneficial to your health and well-being. If you need more convincing here are some good excuses to cry.

Crying Lowers Stress

Tears are similar to sweat because just like exercising, crying can also relieve stress. Tears remove chemical build up in the body that stems from stress. So by suppressing tears and holding everything in all the time you are actually increasing stress levels and blood pressure.

Tears Release Toxins & Kill Bacteria

Tears that are formed from stress and sadness contain more toxic byproducts than tears that come from irritation such as peeling an onion, or getting dust in your eyes. I know it sounds as if tears are toxic, but they are actually just removing the toxins from our body that build up with stress, sadness, or anger. Tears also contain something called lysozyme which kills 90 percent of bacteria that you may pick up throughout the day. So essentially, crying can help you fight off sickness and it is flu szn aka let the tears flow!

Crying Helps You Release Feelings and Stay Happy

You have these feelings that make you want to cry for a reason, so you should let them out. It’s a natural thing to feel sad, angry, or frustrated sometimes. It is going to release most of those feelings and let you feel at peace afterwards. By not letting yourself feel these feelings it will build up inside of you and put stress on your body which is bad for your health.

Tears Keep Your Eyes Lubricated

Tears lubricate your eyes and eyelids, keeping them from being dehydrated, ultimately making you see better. So no tears means no eyesight, and we wouldn’t want that now would we? Boom.

You Can Find The Root of Your Problem

If you notice that you tend to cry a lot, start to track it. Jot down when you’re crying, how you’re feeling in that moment, and why you think you are feeling this way. Be specific! By keeping track you should be able to find your trigger points and that can help you move forward in trying to solve whatever is going on underneath the surface. Also journaling can be very theraputic on its own.

Crying Can Help You To Seek Support

When you are crying you are vulnerable and showing that you are hurt in someway inside. It can be nice to find emotional support whether it is a family member, friend, or even a professional. By talking with people, and venting out all those built up feelings you can clarify your problems and feelings then move forward in finding closure. Crying alone is okay, but having a friendly shoulder to cry on is probably going to feel a lot better. Support and love is always helpful in the healing process.