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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Endicott chapter.

Dear Me, 

“Anxiety is normal”

I don’t think you ever could have expected half of the realities of college life. Every semester presents new opportunities, new challenges, and a reality unlike what we’ve always been told. We never really understood the difference between being stressed, overwhelmed, or being anxious. That is until that first anxiety attack. After a traumatic incident back home and the constant struggle of being homesick, we found ourselves needing to have a conversation that we hadn’t ever had before. But that doesn’t mean life is over. In fact you will live a very normal life, it just means taking an extra moment to breathe and finding your relaxation techniques. 

“Chase the things you desire”

College academics aren’t as scary as they make it out to be in high school. Don’t get me wrong they require way more attention and detail and managing your time is going to be your most valuable skill. But the work becomes more fun. You are finally studying your interests and not just what the guidance department told you to or choosing from the very minimal list of courses. You are going to doubt yourself at first, it’s almost impossible to not. But you are going to realize that your academics are something that you will put first and it starts to pay off. 

“Most importantly it’s going to be ok”

The universe is constantly throwing curveballs. I mean not everyday can be picture perfect right? There are going to be moments where reality feels distorted and stress keeps you up all night. Remember that this is a part of your growth. The challenges we face everyday allow us to grow into who we were meant to be. You will get an internship by the deadline. That position will teach you lessons even if you don’t see it at that time. You will pass that class. Your hard work doesn’t go unnoticed and your grades will reflect that. Today’s stresses are just preparing you to power through the challenges of tomorrow. 



Clare Manning

Endicott '23

thanks for reading my work, xoxo