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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Endicott chapter.

“I have found that if you love life, life will love you back.”

I really love this one a lot, hence why it’s at the top. I think that it’s really important to embrace all the good things that life has to offer. That doesn’t mean you have to be happy and “yay” all the time, but rather accepting of the natural course of life while still being mindful of the both positive and negative choices you make. 

“Create a life you can’t wait to wake up to.”

I deeply resonate with this. I’m a huge believer that you are the one in control of your life because let’s face it, you are. You have the power to create the life of your dreams. Yes, not everything is totally 100% in your control all the time and that’s okay. A big part of creating a dream life is learning how to adapt to things you can’t change, while not letting those things totally derail your dream. 

“Actually, life is beautiful and I have time.”

This quote I find really emphasizes the importance of taking the time to really notice the amazing world we live in. This falls in line with romanticizing your life, or going about your day with the mindset that everything you are doing is the most wonderful thing ever because really, it is. The list is endless: driving to work, eating a yummy dinner, going to school, doing a puzzle, calling a friend, learning a new TikTok dance, etc.. Regardless of what your life looks like, take the time to slow down and appreciate what is around you before it’s too late. 

“Do more things that make you forget to check your phone.” 

Anyone who knows me knows this is HUGE for me. I am a huge huge huge believer in living in the moment rather than staring at a phone. I find that my best memories are ones that I in fact have minimal or no photo evidence of; rather, just my personal feelings. For some people, they might want the photo, but for me, I love knowing that I was just so happy in that moment that I wasn’t worried about any texts or Snapchats with a blank screen sent to me. I was living and I was happy and that’s what matters to me. 

“Stop being so afraid to be confident.”

YES. THIS. You are amazing. That’s all there is to it. Anyone who thinks otherwise is just wrong and doesn’t know you. There will be days when your brain tells you that maybe you aren’t amazing, or that you don’t look fabulous. It’s on those days that you have to stand up to your brain and let yourself feel like the beautiful amazing person you are, regardless of what your brain is telling you. Let people compliment you, you deserve it! 

“You are your own home. Take care of yourself.” 

I think that this is a good and valuable one to end with because at the end of the day, all you have is you. Like it or not, you are stuck with you. So, take care of yourself in whatever ways you need, whether that be physically, mentally, or emotionally. 

Alexa Flodman

Endicott '25

Hi! My name is Alexa! I am an Elementary Education major. I love music, the TV show Friends, and I have an addiction to popcorn. In my free time, I enjoy hiking, spending time at the beach, and hanging out with my friends!