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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Endicott chapter.

Taking care of your mental health is so important right now. One of the biggest things I always suggest to people is journaling to get their emotions out and clear their head. It’s a safe space to say whatever you want to and great for creative expression. I personally am a huge fan of it, and recently I was shown Margot Lee’s daily quarantine journaling prompts. She posts a prompt per day for you to fill in your own personalized journal. She describes it as making a sort of time capsule to look back on when we’re older and want to remember what we did, how we felt, music we listened to, shows we watched, who we were with, who we missed, etc. Below I have listed prompts Margot’s given so you can try some as well if you want! 

Margot Lee’s Prompts

Fill a few pages with newspaper clippings to remember what this time was like.

Write a letter to your future self. Prompts: What events have been canceled? What have you been spending your time doing? Who are you with? Where do you see yourself in 5/10 years? Is there a project or goal you hope to accomplish in the future?

Take a polaroid of everyone you’re quarantining with – if you don’t have a polaroid you can print or draw pictures.

Create a “quarantine playlist” of your favorite songs at the moment. 

Draw, paint, or photograph the view out of your window

Write a letter to someone you miss – put it in your journal to give to the person after quarantine (or keep it for yourself). 

Write out your favorite quarantine recipe you have made or want to make.

Keep a log of your day.

Quarantine bucket list: What do you want to learn, practice, finish, do, see?

Write 3 names: Who is someone who would be surprised to hear from you? Who is someone who you would be surprised to hear from? Who is someone you would love to talk to right now? Now call, text, DM them. Journal your convo.

Who do you miss? Friends, boyfriend/girlfriend, professors, neighbors, cousins, grandparents.

Write a list of movies/tv shows you’ve watched in quarantine?

Find a background in a magazine/newspaper/website and write your current favorite quote, poem, or saying on top of it.

What does your environment look like? Write or draw.

Create a travel log. Where have you been? Where do you want to go?

Make a happy moment moments quarantine list – making it a working list with room to add more later. 

“What is a stream of consciousness?” Set a timer for 5/10 minutes and just write whatever comes to mind. If you need a prompt to start, how did you feel when you woke up? Let your writing flow- don’t overthink it. You’ll be surprised how much you have on your mind.

Get old magazines/photos and create a spliced collage. 

She’s continuing to post one each day on TikTok, so I highly recommend checking her out! I know I’m going to continue to follow them and get ideas for my own journal entries as well.