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7 Things to do everyday to make you feel better

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Endicott chapter.

7 Things to do everyday to make you feel better

  1. Drink lots of water

    1. Drinking the recommended 8 glasses of water a day is the best thing you can do to care for yourself. It’s health benefits are endless and include brighter skin, better digestion, and even help relieves fatigue. Add lemon or other fruit to your water to keep it from getting boring!

  2. Exercise

    1. It’s hard to get to the gym every day with a busy schedule. But by doing simple things like taking the stairs or walking the long way to class, they can help you get your steps in without stepping on the treadmill. If you do have the time, check out you schools exercise classes offered. They’re free and you can bring your friends along and have some fun!

  3. Gets lots of sleep

    1. Between netflix, homework, and living with your besties, sometimes it’s hard to go to bed before midnight every night. Try and make a set bedtime for weekdays if you know you have early classes and save the all-nighters for Fridays and Saturdays.

  4. Organize

    1. Being unorganized creates unneeded stress in both your school work and personal life. By putting away your laundry as soon as its out of the dryer and picking one day a week to do a total life clean-up, you’ll feel better knowing everything’s in its place right where you can find it when you need it.

  5. Make your bed

    1. Ok. Maybe not on mornings you have 8ams. But when you have time in the morning or even throughout the day in your dorm, studies show making your bed leads to a more productive day. And your roommate will thank you.

  6. Pick out your clothes for the next day

    1. Early classes usually means grabbing the first clean thing you see and throwing it on. By laying out your clothes you want to wear the night before, you’ll save more time in the morning and look cute everyday!

  7. Pamper Yourself

    1. Obviously no one has the time or money to go to the spa everyday. So whether it be painting your nails, a face mask, or even taking a nap. Take a few minutes a day to just relax and light a candle, play some music, and do something for yourself.