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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Endicott chapter.

Two weeks ago, I turned 20 years old. This transition into the next decade of my life feels crazy!! Life goes by fast. I am excited for what is to come next in my life. In honor of this change, I decided to reflect back on the past 20 years of my life, and create a list of 20 things I have learned. Everything on this list is based on my personal experiences, mistakes, losses, memories, and relationships with others. I hope that this list will inspire you to create your own based on things you have learned in your own life!!

Balance is the key to everything

Your smile could be the only one someone sees today

A sad moment does not have to turn into a sad day

A wise, elderly woman once told me, “friendships are the key to a happy life.” Remember that some are meant to be temporary and some are forever.

Being in love is magical, intense, amazing, and scary all at the same time

Focus on health. Not the number on the scale.

Gossiping hurts your reputation more than it hurts the reputation of the person you are talking about

Traveling is food for the soul

Being a woman is a superpower

Nothing will hold you back more than comparing yourself to others

 Dealing with loss: Cherish the memories and allow yourself to grieve in your own manner. Never judge anyone on their way of grieving.

Celebrate every chance you get

Everyone is fighting their own battles

 No relationship can prosper long-term without patience, sacrifice, and forgiveness

The greatest opportunities are nerve-wracking- do it anyways!

Learning about other people is one of the most beautiful things about life

A bad grade will not determine your success

Driving with the windows down, and the music up is therapeutic 

Love with your whole heart

You will be okay

Hi! My name is Liv. I am a marketing communications/advertising major. I love fashion and music. I also love spending time at the beach!