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Why Everyone Should Spend Spring Break at Home

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Emory chapter.

While spring break is seen by many as a time to rev up for the rest of the semester and turn up with a bunch of your college friends, I’m coming from a minority of students who are excited to go home and spend break with their parents. Yes, parents. Instead of bottomless pitchers on a sandy island somewhere, I’ll be enjoying the simple pleasures that spending time at home brings. Here are some of the upsides that come along with spring breaking on the homefront.

1. You have your own personal chef to make you whatever food whenever you want. (Shoutout to my mom—you’re the real MVP!)  


2. Showering without shoes.


3. Sleeping in your own bed instead of some cheap hotel cot.


4. Detoxing.

5. It’s a good reminder that you’re not as old as you think you are.

6. Getting to escape from your friends for a bit…


7. …And having the opportunity to see some friends from home you haven’t spent time with in a while.

8.  At the end of the day, the most important thing is family. So, hold them tight and thank them for all they do for you—especially for paying for all that sorority stuff you’ve been sporting all semester long.

Enjoy break—see you on the flip side!

I like music more than i like most people, I'd take death over decaf any day and I'm currently suffering from chronic resting b*tch face. Oh, and I'm probably the one in black.
Her Campus at Emory University