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Eight Easy Ways to Stay Healthy With a Busy Schedule

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Emory chapter.

With mid-terms underway and the typical hectic life of an Emory student, it can be hard to stay healthy. It can be tempting to grab a slice of pizza from the DUC on the go and munch on chips when you’re up late studying for a test. Fear not! Just because you are busy, doesn’t mean you can’t be healthy.

1.) Start your day with a cup of hot water and lemon juice

Hot water with lemon juice boosts your immune system, helps clear skin, balances PH, aids digestion, and hydrates the lymph system. You can fill up a to go cup and drink it on your way to class. So basically you have no excuse NOT to adopt this healthy trick when you’re super busy.

2.) Trade in your coffee for green tea.


We all need a caffeine fix on a busy day. Rather then your normal cup of joe, try green tea. Green tea improves brain function, increases fat burning, improves physical performance, contains antioxidants (that help prevent cancer), and much more! Another thing- coffee makes your teeth yellow and breath smell…so you choose!

Don’t let your coffee addiction control you, keep your inner monster at bay.

3.) Do sit-ups and squats whenever and wherever the moment strikes.

Those extra ten squats make a difference when the weekend rolls around.

4.) Get a work out buddy so you actually work out.

No excuses now…

5.) Your living room can be your gym!

We all need a TV break to relax at the end of a busy day. Rather than sitting in bed while binging on Netflix, do some sit-ups, jumping jacks, or a plank while catching up on all your favorite shows. Any small difference helps!

6.) Make your water bottle your new best friend.

…and you’ll get some extra steps in making all those bathroom trips; its a win-win!

7.) Stalk up on healthy snacks (almonds, frozen grapes, air popped popcorn) and ditch the chips and sugary granola bars.

Late night munchies are inevitable. If you only keep healthy food in your dorm room, you’ll regret it less in the morning.

8.) When you need that sugary fix; dark chocolate all the way!

…don’t worry, your tastebuds adjust to the bitter taste!

We all know its hard to be healthy, especially when your running from class to class and up all night studying. Its hard to find the time to go to the gym and all you want to do at the end of a hard day is curl up in bed with a pint of ice-cream and Netflix. But remember, you are your body. If you fuel your body with healthy food and exercise regularly, you will feel better and be more productive during those unbearably long days. 

Her Campus at Emory University