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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Emory chapter.

We’re getting down to the final few campus cuties of the year, and they’ve just been getting better and better. What’s a better way to procrastinate during finals than read about the cutest people at Emory? This week’s cutie hails from New York City (actually the city, not “20-30 minutes outside it”…). David is a freshman with honestly the coolest fun fact I’ve heard in a while, so keep reading if you want to find out his celebrity crush or why he wants what he calls “see-through vision.”


Name: David

Year: Freshman

Hometown: New York, NY

Major: Pre-Business


Her Campus Emory (HCE): What is one of your hobbies?

David (D): Shout out to SPC. 


HCE: Tell us a fun fact about yourself.

D: I was in an episode of Friday Night Lights.


HCE: What’s your current relationship status?

D: Depends who’s asking.


HCE: What do you look for most in a girl?

D: Good peanut butter to jelly ratio.


HCE: What’s the nicest thing a girl has ever done for you?

D: I don’t kiss and tell.


HCE: What’s your favorite quality about yourself?

D: I’m open-minded and I don’t judge.


HCE: If you could have any superpower what would it be?

D: See-through vision. Not x-ray vision—I’m not trying to look at your bones.


HCE: Who’s your celebrity crush?

D: Mila Kunis, obviously.

Her Campus at Emory University