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5 Ways to (Try and) Ward Off Sickness this Finals Season

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Emory chapter.

We all know that we are bound to get sick at some point during the winter season.  With all the runny-noses, coughs, and sneezes around us, sickness is inevitable. The problem is we never know exactly when it’s going to hit us.  This year has been crazier than usual with Norovirus hitting our campus hard right before Thanksgiving break.  I swear the library has felt like a kind of breeding ground for germs.  With finals on the horizon the last thing we want is to have a case of the sniffles – or something worse.  Here are a few tips on how to stay healthy during this hectic time so you can do your best on those finals!


1.     Wash Your Hands!

You’ve probably heard this from your mom maybe a million times, but it couldn’t be better advice! Washing your hands is the first line of defense against sickness and it’s so easy. Try lathering for 20 seconds using warm water for the best results.  If you’re too lazy to walk to the bathroom, buy a mini Purell at Eagles Convenience store and use as needed!


2.     Stay Hydrated

Staying hydrated is so important.  You should always try and meet your daily water requirement to maintain your health, especially when you feel like you could be coming down with something.  For women this is roughly 8, 8 oz. glasses a day.


3.     Get Sleep

Sleep is always the answer. The more you sleep the better you’re feel.  Try and get a minimum of 7 hours of sleep a night to feel your best.  Sleep allows your body to recover, and the more you sleep, the better equipped your body will be to fight sickness.


4.     Keep Active

If you’re feeling under the weather, don’t push yourself.  However, if you’re feeling good, spending thirty minutes at the gym can make all the difference. Being active helps you stay healthy and will help you have a faster, easier recovery if you get sick!


5.     Try Emergen-C

If you feel those cold symptoms coming on try and act fast.  Go to CVS and buy Emergen-C, it’s a vitamin drink supplement that will give you the vitamin boost you need to fight off sickness.  Emergen-C comes in a ton of different flavors so you can try as many as you need until you find your favorite.  My favorite is mixing the Tangering flavor with orange juice.


Her Campus at Emory University