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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Emory chapter.

1. However overrated it may be, know that you ARE AWESOME. Stand in front of the mirror, bring out your inner Beyoncé, and know you are doing better than okay, you’re DOING GREAT.

2. Your crush might not always like you back! (I don’t want to burst the fairy tale) but love can come in different ways and doesn’t always have to come from the boy or girl you find attractive. Remind yourself that love comes from work, your hobby, the sport you like, the music that you dance to, and sometimes sing in the shower (yes, um, everyone can hear you). Don’t place too many labels on relationships. As the wise Dory once said, JUST KEEP SWIMMING!

3. Never say something about someone else that you wouldn’t want to hear about yourself. I know you might be tempted, but you’re getting nothing by putting someone else down. Live your life, not someone else’s. Instead, make someone’s day. Leave your friend a note, buy them a bar of chocolate or buy yourself one!!! 

4. You’re doing good today! You’re exactly where you need to be. I know that class might not be going perfectly, or you might not have got that call back from your dream job, but know that you’re doing every bit of everything you can. Relax. Three Deep Breaths. Treat yourself to an ice-cream, YOU GOT THIS. (ICE CREAM CAN SOLVE ANYTHING, LITERALLY. )

5. UNWIND. Today is the day to go for that dance class you always wanted to go for, start your blog, go for a run, or grab lunch with the friend you lost touch with. GET UP. GO. DO THINGS. START NOW. GO THAT EXTRA MILE, TODAY. A MOMENT is all you need to change things, one step at a time. You don’t need glass slippers to take that step, Cinderella!!

Hi! I'm a freshman majoring in Psychology and Economics. I'm into feminist rants, memes, and chocolate chip cookies!
Her Campus at Emory University