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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Emmanuel chapter.

It’s here, it’s happening and it seems like it’s hitting us all like a truck. Mercury is in retrograde from February 17th through March 10th. Three or four times a year, the planet mercury goes into retrograde. Planets normally move east to west around the Sun, but when mercury moves from west to east instead, that is when it’s in retrograde. Say what you will about astrology and whether or not it’s real, but it always seems like when mercury is in retrograde—all hell breaks loose, and not just to those who believe in astrology. 

Almost everyone I know is going through it right now. Whether it’s a breakup, a messy relationship, bad grades, family problems, or low self esteem, everyone I know is seriously struggling with something right now. Three of my best friends are going through break ups, my roommate is having to deal with the most vile tinder boys, and my poor mom broke her ankle walking our dog. Not to mention a lot of the people I’m just acquainted with have opened up to me about relationship/hookup problems, financial stress, bad grades even though they’re working hard, and dealing with serious anxiety. 

I will say that a lot of the problems I’ve been hearing about are very normal for this time of year, especially in college. It’s midterms season and everyone is stressing about it. As for all the relationship and hookup drama, relationships are actually more likely to end right around Valentine’s day, which happened two weeks ago. 

Maybe everyone is going through it because we’re in college and it’s that time of the semester/year, but I think mercury being in retrograde is definitely making everyone’s problems feel ten times worse. Although it is kind of nice that we all relate to this confusing chaos. So hey, at least we’re all in it together, right?

I think it’s important to note that just because mercury is in retrograde, doesn’t mean your problems aren’t valid. Talk about it with your friends and family, reach out to professors if you’re feeling overwhelmed, journal about it, practice self care, and go to your university’s counseling center if needed. 

psychology major at emmanuel college || she/hers
Carly Silva

Emmanuel '21

Carly is a senior at Emmanuel College pursuing a major in English Writing, Editing, and Publishing, as well as Communications and Media Studies. She loves to write and has a particular fondness for poetry. Carly also loves reading on the beach, playing music, and hanging out with her dog, Mowgli.