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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Emmanuel chapter.

Movies paint college to be a time of huge personal growth and accomplishments, but what you don’t always see is the immense stress that goes into an academic semester. While there are many struggles and ordeals people have in college, finals week is one of the most universally despised among students. King of teen angst, Steven Patrick Morrissey of the beloved 1980s band The Smiths, is here to explain the mood that is likely to befall your entire campus during finals.

1. Congratulations, you’ve reached the last day of classes! Pat yourself on the back.

2. But don’t worry, the worst isn’t over. You still have to take your finals.

3. At least there’s reading day, but you spend it doing everything else besides reading.

4. You contemplate the days ahead of you. Could you withdraw? Is changing your identity a possibility? Pull a Gone Girl and have your husband framed for murder.

5. You cram for your first final, accepting fate.

6. There is not enough coffee in the world to deal with that first day.

7. Somehow, you make it through, and come back craving attention and validation.

8. The rest of the week passes in a haze of anxiety.

9. But before you know it, it’s over! You didn’t fail!

10. Can you believe you ever doubted yourself?

At the end of the tunnel that is finals, there is a light that never goes out. Get ready to take on the summer as the rockstar that you are!

Emily is a senior *gulps* at Emmanuel College with a great passion for psychology, writing, and theatre. She loves animals, movies, museums, and smiling. Bukowski is her favorite poet, and she identifies with Tina Belcher on a very strong spiritual level. 
Her Campus Emmanuel